
Just as absurd as a virgin birth, walking on water, multiplying fish and loaves of bread, transubstantiation, and rising from the dead in my opinion. Religions are absurd.

I’ve heard that the original script was fantastic and explored the shitty moral implications of the male character. SO OF COURSE THEY JUST CUT ALLLLLLL OF IT.

Yeah, I always look behind me. If the person is short I recline away. If it’sd some poor tall bastard I do not. Why is this a difficult concept?

If you are over 6 feet tall, it IS a big deal.

I’m going to guess both you and boyfriend are under 6'2? If your knees are already pressed directly up against the seat in front of you because of your height that “inch or two” makes a pretty big difference. Apparently you are assuming that everyone of superior height is as rich as Shaquille O’Neal and can afford

I am so impressed with how well Amber Heard has not only put up with all the hate, but continued to call out Johnny Depp and his team on their shit throughout. She’d better get that Land Rover or I’m going to LA, stealing it and driving it right to her myself (with all her money in a comedy swag bag in the back ofc).

“It’s about fucking time, don’t you think?”

Frankly, I wouldn’t blame Clinton (or Obama) one bit if they just flipped us off and went and lived the rest of their lives in peace and luxury.

Our Dad, Mom, and Uncle (Obama, Clinton, and Biden, respectively) should be so fucking disappointed with us kids right now. We didn’t want to listen, we knew better that running off with that high school dropout meth addict Trump wouldn’t be so bad; we could turn him around and make him a decent man. Surely if he saw

In fact, I realized the mistake immediately after publishing and thus before I read all of your comments. I’m glad to be held accountable, in fact I expect it, but do please remember—all of you—that a human being is reading your comments. It was an honest mistake born from reading quickly — too quickly in this case.

OMG Lily Collins is perfection

Really? After watching that clip I’m thinking he doesn’t deserve any awards. Seems like a boorish asshole.

If he cares about awards that much then this behavior was exactly what not to do. He’s not likely to receive praise and recognition and help the longevity of his show (that I’m sure hundreds of other people depend on for their income) if he’s going to act like an asshole.

Is it though? It seems pretty obnoxious and egotistical, if you ask me.

Wait, when did this kind of behavior become cute and delightful? Because nah, this shit isn’t cute and delightful. It doesn’t matter who does it - it’s childish.

Honestly, no matter how hard you worked on something, if you don’t win & jump on stage like that it doesn’t make you look funny or smart. You just look like a sore loser.

“I apologize to Congressman Duffy for referring to him as a moron. I should have said he is a liar and a charlatan.”

Idk about atheist and feminist, but you’re definitely a troll.

correct. a ridiculous misunderstanding between your concept of consent and reality.

Did you miss this part?