
But when push comes to shove, no is always there for you. It is not foolproof—as, sadly, any sexual assault or rape survivor can attest—but when dealing with a boss whose goal is not to forcibly overtake you but instead to see how far he can push you, it may offer you an escape hatch.

Jezebel writers criticizing someone who did nothing wrong? Things really are starting to get back to normal around here.

You know Gawker went under, right Rich? No need for snarking on a reasonable guy saying mostly admirable things anymore. Being shitty for no reason turned out not to be edgy or cool, just a dick move.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like this post is a weird attempt to take issue with Falahee’s statement despite the fact that there is nothing wrong with it.

IT IS NOT NATE SILVER’S FAULT THAT PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND PROBABILITIES. He gave Trump a higher chance of winning the presidency than the Cubs had of coming back and winning the World Series after Game 4 and we literally all JUST saw that happen. He doesn’t conduct the polls, he aggregates them, and there was no way

Nate Silver’s model was the only one which gave Trump a good chance of winning. Take it up with the Huffington Post and Sam Wang; they gave Clinton close to a 99% chance of winning....

you know what i will miss most about obama?

My response when he did that bit was a halfhearted, “maybe...”

This fucker played chicken with 325 million American lives. I despise him.

It is technically possible but then we’re stuck with the vice president, which in this case, might be worse.

AND FUCK YOU to all of the Bernie supporters who started the cycle of Hillary hate, revved it up, warmed up that engine and then passed it right on to Trump.Fuck you for that. This means you “The Slot.” Your dumb ass is guilty as charged.

There’s nothing to indicate that these were Clinton’s emails.


Yeah, “red flags” are easy to spot in hindsight, but so often they are perfectly consistent with innocent behavior. You can’t go through life just assuming that every slightly odd behavior is something dark and nefarious. There’s an implicit trust you just have to have in people that the things they are doing

please stop with the manufactured outrage outrage and learn humor.

Please stop with the manufactured outrage and learn context .

Fine. But your comment was still mean. I’d like to encourage you to try to find self satisfaction without putting down celebrities

How do you know she’s not smart?

Ugh. You were trying to play off someone’s joke but you were just being mean. It might be a good time to point out that maybe you are the not-too-smart one, but I’m sure you’re making up for it with perfect brows and looks to kill