
Many years ago, my family drove thru Saskatchewan during a grasshopper infestation. The smell as they hit the grill was disgusting. Then, for some reason I can’t recall — possibly because of the smell —my dad cracked the windows of our van. A couple of massive grasshoppers got in and landed on me and I screamed. Then

called herself “the most hated person in the world.”

Yes, I do not wish her harm but she definitely deserves to pay a fee or be sued. Her and her little teenage mayhems literally THREW crickets and worms in the air and the majority of these nasty things landed directly on one single lady in her HAIR. In her HAIR! Imagine 300-500 or whatever little crickets and freaking

Yup. That’s my son. He feels peoples pain and tries to make it better.

Have fun visiting Mr Anti! I’m sure you’re so excited to see him :) also have fun being a little adenvtourous and going to NYC.

I bought a chair! I moved into an apartment this month before the start of my grad program, and realized I didn’t have a desk for my chair. Yesterday, I went to Target, and I bought a chair, so now I have my study space set up in my apartment. Still not ready for the semester to start, but I’m less unprepared now!

I brought my son to college on Sunday. He is lucky in that many of his friends from high school also are attending the same university. The roommate hadn’t left the dorm in three days. The roommate grew up in a very small town and was so out of his element, shy and scared. My son organized a “game night” last night

Yay tai chi!! My mom has been learning the Yang long form. She’s in better shape than I am, and she’s in her 60's. It’s difficult!

I’ve wanted to try swing dancing for years, and this week I went to a free class. :)

I am learning Tai Chi! Yang style short form. It’s way more difficult than I thought it would be, but I’m getting it. And I LOVE it. :)

I will likely watch a pirates version as well. I sure as shit will not give this man a fucking dime. His justification for the rape he committed at 19 is pretty much exactly what my rapist did. So fuck you Nate Parker. I hope you never get a chance to make a movie again.

I WAS looking forward to seeing it.

Yeah, it’s like Polanski films. I am sure, as a film, the Pianist was well deserving of an Oscar, but I’m never going to find out, because all I could think about while I watched it is how the man who made it raped a young girl, got away with it, and doesn’t give a shit.

This is such an obfuscation of what he actually did.


I’ve heard it’s a good movie.

“I did this to show how people react to situations with homeless people and people with mental health,

Yes! John K is gross and doesn’t even look attractive when he’a buff and dirty, which is a good look on most men. I don’t get why he made that movie. I would be happy if he stopped acting and doing interviews.

1. Emily Blunt married down in a total way. The guy is a not-so-good-looking mediocre actor & the Benghazi movie was just disgusting. I decided right then and there that this guy was pitiful. 2. Woody Allen is a piece of shit. Even if he didn’t molest Dylan - and I believe victims - what he did with his

Ozzy says of Sharon “There is naan else for me!”