Lady Beatrice Eboshi

Or or or! A sweet mazinger spin off staring jun!....I’m not a nerd, you’re a nerd! *runs off and obviously  hides in bushes

Youre a beautiful person with a fine taste in comics!

I don’t know the them. :P

Helping fund the Hot L Baltimore. But that was just a money making venture.

Step 7: hanging, drawing and quartering the whole trump and Putin clan. Publically! Just like in the days daddy Putin thinks he belongS in!

And this is why I am forever grateful I was the kind of nerd who stayed home and played Diablo 2 instead. Viva la loot!

I read this with Daria’s voice in my head so thank you! This brightened a dark dark day....albeit its odd to say that about a stone cold deadpan like her but yeah

I completely agree! Why would some asshole American conman look at Christianity and think “oh that’s a way to justify my desire for both monomaniacal power AND crazed wealth! It’s almost like the two oldest sects of this faith are wealthy domineering plutocrates with a very flexible idea of what belongs to god and

Feel don’t think is the subtext of all fascism.

Actually, the great thing about medieval politics is how local it was. Unless shit was really fucked kings rarely entered into anyone’s thoughts.

Dogs do the very necessary job of loving you even if everyone else in your life is mad at you. Also they make you go on long walks and play catch! Excuse me while I snuggle with my dog and pretend reality doesn’t exist for awhile.

Thank you! As a transwoman and lesbian, gay men can be just as fucking unsupportive as straight men (even a bit more so: few straight men have alleged I changed genders to hide my queerness inspite of me still preferring women romantically..

I hear what you’re saying, but have you really considered the great old ones? Or these Chaos gods? Apparently Khorne has a very simple: Blood for the Blood God dictum!

We don’t need no relocations.

Next we’ll ask for pockets!

Well, the fourteenth is a nation belatedly and poorly responding to a gross injustice this country was founded on whereas the original 10 are a bunch of white men bitching about the rights the rest of the constitution didn’t grant them. So yeah. The first is predominant. Because it’s transcended the bullshit of

Don’t worry. He already tries this back in the U.K. And it went really well! Then it turned out he couldn’t pay his employees and was a bullying monster boss and he was fucking done there professionally. This’ll blow up in his face and the fans he roped in to write then fucks over will make him look even worse to the

“There comes a time when you look into the mirror and realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. Then you accept it, or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking into mirrors.”

David an axtually fascinating to me and I would argue he is historical if only because the Old Testament is literally arranged around demonizing Saul And elevating/validating David.
