I hate the president all the time SO FUCKING MUCH, but I particularly loathe him when he pretends to give a shit about someone else’s suffering and gives these half-assed, *shrug* responses. He probably yawned when he wrote this.
I hate the president all the time SO FUCKING MUCH, but I particularly loathe him when he pretends to give a shit about someone else’s suffering and gives these half-assed, *shrug* responses. He probably yawned when he wrote this.
I don’t know that much about Azaelia Banks, but she seems fucking exhausting. Is her whole m.o. just ragging on people more talented and more popular than her?
and then let’s ALSO punish any woman who chooses to wear clothing designed by a woman who didn’t assault anyone but was affiliated with the guy who did.
The baby names these days...smh...Hart, True, Stormi...ugh! While I know names are subjective like everything else, they’re just so trashy to me.
He campaigned for trump in 2016. His daughter stumps for him every day on the view. He’s a coward, a traitor and he deserves to leave this world knowing it.
John McCain’s legacy is that he caves as easily as an old mine shaft. Talked big, never followed through.
Worst case: Lil Tay wanted to reach out but her mom watches her all the time and checks her phone so she borrowed her Mom’s phone while she was sleeping...
Yes, I’m sorry, I looked at the phone in a haze, muttered, “What in the hell?” and went back to sleep. I should probably edit to make that clearer.
Oh lord have mercy, if parents were legally barred from making one god damn cent off their kids, all of this shit would be over in an instant.
I kinda feel like child protective services should have been called before publishing this. It’s clear this girl is being abused... and maybe just maybe there needs to be responsible adults looking out for her welfare before she ends up dead in an overdose as a Jane Doe.
I just have one follow up question
I’m just so, so old and so, so tired. Pardon me for going into “Old Man Rants at Cloud” mode here, but I really wish society would stop rewarding assholes and idiots with likes, clicks, money, views, what have you. Logan Paul acts like the worst stereotype of an ugly American in Japan, throwing shit at cops and…
You know what would be great? If parents couldn’t make money off of pimping out their children. The whole crazy “stage mom/dad” thing would shut down overnight.
Speaking of O-Town, wtf is this?
It would seem very hard to obstruct justice for a crime that never happened! Witch Hunt!
So, it’s almost certainly someone from with Trump’s orbit who leaked the questions.
My first bf in high school once said he always just jerked off into a blanket. I was wrapped in one of his blankets when he told me this, so I was like “uh, is it this blanket?” and he was like “...nooooooo.” But then I looked closer and it was covered with random white blotches, and that was when I first learned that…
I always have something stupid to say but this time, I’m completely speechless.
1 once hooked up with a guy who used only 1 towel for his...extracurricular activities. not weird, until he told me that he had NEVER WASHED IT (we were juniors in college at the time) since he began wanking it in late elementary. HE HAD NEVER WASHED IT AND PACKED IT TO BRING TO COLLEGE WITH YEARS OF CRUST ON IT.