lady rainicorn

I really, really used to love Crystal Castles, too, when I was a teenager. I used to really want to see them until my cousin went to one of their shows and said it was awful, lolz. Yeah, Alice’s story always seemed sad. I’m glad she’s making her own music now.

YAAAAS, this Dirt Bag includes 2 of my favorites: Anthony Bourdain and Zoe Kravitz. THANK YOU MADELEINE!

:\ they have a DO/med school. One of my bffs goes there, and she’s not even remotely Christian. So, uh...not right. Love her, but I could never go to a school like this.

Haha, yes that show is before my time, but I didn’t even know that people tattooed their own name on themselves! Yeesh!

It’s small enough and not even noticeable, so she doesn’t even need to cover it up.

Haha, right? Ugh, whatever, #dresses4eva #idontevenownyogapants

Yeah, I’m not a mom, but I highly doubt that if and when I am one, I’m going to start wearing yoga pants and athletic gear every time I leave the house if that’s not how I dress right now anyway. There are plenty of dresses out there that are super comfy.

Entitled, yoga-pants wearing ones?

“I’m always gonna need to be hydrated so I guess I should get H2O on my hand.”

Can we continue to talk about how FUCKING AWFUL that video is? Love the song, couldn’t make it 30 seconds into the video. It scarred me for life.

Right?! Like 500k is steeeeeeep!

Um, “at least $500k”??!!!??!

Yes, I think this is a cool hobby or interest or whatever for tweens/teens, actually!

LOL, yes!

Unfortunately, I feel like they’ll never disappear. Like in 10 years, E! will be debuting shows about Kim and Kourtney’s kids.

Omg, could Kylie Jenner get ANY worse? She’s so insufferable.

Yeah, the 8-hour workday is just so ridiculous, and exactly, people work longer hours for the money, not because it will actually take up that whole 8 hours to finish the work.

Yeah, seriously. I don’t actually work right now because I’m in higher education for the long-haul (finished 5 years, 5 more to go...), but my boyfriend works a programing sort of job, and it seems like 2/3 of his time is devoted to waiting for programs to finish running. It would be cool if during that time, people

That’s awesome! I really support that.

Exactly. Like, if you’re in an office job, if half of your workday is devoted to shooting shit and checking the internet and stuff (nothing wrong with that!), it’s not like you’re working productively or efficiently, you’re just working because you have to work that 8-4, 9-5, or whatever.