Taylor needs smarter people advising her. If she had just feigned disinterest over Kanye’s song, no one would have cared. But she had to keep going with the Miss Innocent act and now she just looks even more ridiculous.
Taylor needs smarter people advising her. If she had just feigned disinterest over Kanye’s song, no one would have cared. But she had to keep going with the Miss Innocent act and now she just looks even more ridiculous.
Imagine being so broken inside that you can’t love (or even like) Michelle Obama.
I kind of wish I knew more because I’m shameless enough to share, but our friend in common is annoyingly guarded about the situation. How boring.
Pretty sure that the Bachelorette is too ‘C list’ of a brand for the real talent in the family ;)
Oh I just assumed it was weed, what with him being a ‘medical sales rep’ from Colorado...
Not trying to be blasé or anything but would you really care if your bf’s brother was a famous football player? I suppose there are certain families I’d be excited to marry into (the Hemsworths!), maybe it’s just that I’m not a football fan....
I keep hoping the big estrangement reveal will be that Aaron wants nothing to do with this ridiculous franchise and that will trigger an epic JoJo meltdown.
I have the ability to read an entire novel and apparently almost completely erase it from my memory.
I do not watch the Bachelor or Bachelorette but I recently saw a clip of Jubilee’s season, including footage of allllllllllll the women just spewing hate at Jubilee, and astonishment that she was getting roses rather than kicked off. It was so obvious to me 1) that Jubilee was miserable in that shark pit and 2) that…
No, if an Ugg boot filled with pumpkin spice latté was granted one wish, and it was to be a real human woman, she would date this guy. As for me, I wouldn’t touch any of these guys with someone else’s pussy.
See...this is why I stopped watching after last season. There is a serious problem when your contestants all look the same....diversity is sorely needed in the Bachelor franchise...but it ain’t happening smh
Cue the Beyonce bashing and accusations of being “fake” and jumping on the bandwagon in 3...2...1...
I like podcast stand up, because actually watching stand-up isn’t that much different than just listening, unless you’re watching a physical comedian. Joke are jokes.
i really like 2 dope queens when Jessica and Phoebe are talking and telling stories but i dont love the stand up portions. i like stand up but not in podcast form
She’s ruining Hiddleston for the rest of us!
Did someone graft their hands together? I am so sick of Lord & Taylor already.
I just want to highlight this passage for anyone who skims or just jumps to the comments. Because truer words.
fuck off
I am a bad person. I keep seeing the yellow wiggly bits on the inside as either maggots or ramen.