
ah.. when it won’t effect the ticket ssales of a big budget tent pole? also the fact that its animated makes it harder, you will have people who would be ok with it, be against it because its a cartoon...just seems like a huge finacial risk.

Disney would not only kill this movie, it would hurt future sales of the original. They won’t do it. It’s a kids’ movie, and lots of parents don’t want to go there — especially not with their 6yo.

He needs to take his piles of money and fuck off forever. Bye, sweetie :)

I never thought I’d say this, but thank Grodd.

This show needs to just end. I tried to watch after most of the original cast left, but the story is just too dumb. It was already dumb, but they took it to a whole new level. Hook, Regina, and Rumple just aren’t enough to continue watching.

At first I thought Jungle Cruise was going to be a quasi-reboot of The African Queen.

I loved where they stole the tiger from a different toy line because they ran out of money for tooling. And when he said “just put a fucking saddle on it” was hilarious!


Though Masters did have a lot of scifi elements—robots, lasers, vehicles—they were almost always in service to the fantasy elements