Lad Face

it was meant as the adults are too old to understand that a phone cases are a good idea and that's why he was called unlikkeable

i don't think he's obese

you missed the removal of the half naked wall painting


it's more popular

ty burrell's best performance in years..

they pulled a modern family with the baby

as long as the episode is good… who cares about this?

it is outrageous. but of course the show is still on

ratings and awards say otherwise

"Jay is old" ok…

because it's very popular i guess

70 years older than when he was born

phil and claire won that trip or something, and it's not that hard for two adults in their 40s to pay for a trip to new york after all the years they have been working

not as good as modern family, but better than fotb

Less Speech

10 i bet for this show

The writing is still good, just not as good. If this was the first season, EVERYONE would love it.

That's abc's fault. for some reason they didn't make 24 episodes like the other seasons. now it's the odd one out