Does anyone even care that Hilary was wearing an earpiece during this? Having someone feed her responses. I’d like to meet that person, maybe they should be running instead.
America has honestly forgotten what it was like to be attacked on September 11. We have lost that feeling and are back to thinking we live in a safe and secure country, free from danger. The moment we forget that, and start making jokes about the towers falling is when we become vulnerable to another attack.
These coughing fits are on going, I have seen it happen several times while she is speaking. While it is enjoyable watching her hack a lung up while trying to continue to speech, you have to wonder what the hell is going on. Once or twice I wouldn’t blink a eye, but multiple occasions, sometimes on the same day.
It’s better than making Detroit a Syrian refugee city to “revitalize” it. Which is what Bill Clinton seems to think is a great idea.
So they are registered a hate group because of what their website says, not because of anything they have actually done? To my knowledge they have only held protest.
Does anyone else find this extremely weird?
You lost me with “most honest politician of our time”. If you really believe that than it must be a nice world you live in.
10 good things?! I think you are giving her a little too much credit. Her resume isn’t that big for good deeds.
She flat out lied to everyone, she lied under oath and to the American people. How does this not carry any weight? She still is going with the story that those emails weren’t classified when FBI Director Comey said they were. The Clinton’s have been involved in one scandal after the other, yet people are still willing…
He’s not wrong.
So the 9th black woman killed by police was killed because she pointed a shotgun at officers and had a 7 hour stand off with them? Call the BLM, we need another protest! But because she’s black we are going to assume that shotgun wasn’t really a shotgun but maybe her sons toy gun, or a stick or any non threatening…
In my experience with dogs they tend to have a sixth sense about people and can easily distinguish the true nature of a human in a matter of seconds.
I don’t understand why this is such a big deal. Is it because it’s Trump? People copy other peoples speeches all the time. Obama’s speech writers have copied other speeches before. Everyone does it, and you don’t see a uproar every time it happens.
Is this news worthy? who cares.
Good for these officers. They shouldn’t have to tolerate this crap.