
After reading all this (esp the last part) I’m genuinely disgusted with Tati right now. 

Controlling women (and silencing them by branding them felons and taking away their voting rights and ability to work), and funneling their offspring through the poverty cycle and into for-profit prisons.

Okay, Samantha. That might put a little scare into ‘em but how about going one better - leave. Not feasible for everyone, sure, but lots and lots of young, single, tax-paying women who haven’t put down too many roots can just pick up and leave and should. Many already will, I’m sure, but get #smellyalaterGeorgia

Now playing

I really want someone to misinterpret the theme and show up dressed as a canoe.

At least Billy Porter is doing high camp (as opposed to the rest, who are doing kitsch). Lord, I hope Bette Midler was invited - SHE can teach them all how it’s done.

I agree. It doesn’t make any sense that Kate and Meghan would be feuding. Neither of them seem the type. But it’s really quite plausible that, as Harry makes the transition from little brother and third wheel to head of his own family, there would be some friction between the two brothers. 

I can maybe see Meghan going in expecting Kate to be a confident woman who takes no chit from  anyone and instead finding a doormat who lets her obnoxious husband and his chinless peers walk all over her. I can see how the vicarious frustration would keep them from becoming close

prison AKA just another comped room

Actually, I saw how she could fit in. She’s a bit plain, to be sure, but when in Scammer Mode(tm) she was actually rather well dresses and well groomed- her hair was perfect, her complexion brilliant. If you were to place her next to say, Lena Dunham, I (as someone who grew up in Bed Stuy!) would say that Ann was the

Olivia jade

My only take away from the Jake Gyllenhaal story is that I want to be friends with that bitchy framing store owner.

I’m so so sorry that happened to you. I was watching TV when I read your comment, and I completely forgot what I was watching. I’m so moved and stunned.

Harry is better looking, has more charisma and seems more fun. This is exactly the same dynamic the Queen had with her sister. 

There is no wealth without exploitation. Period. 

“how do you deal with someone who gives you the silent treatment?”

Agreed, Harry Styles should have kept Taylor Swift around.

Same. When I was young, my dad walked into dinner with a freshly shaved upper lip. We had never seen him without his moustache. I sobbed quietly, my little brother ran screaming from the room.

My old college roommate had one of these!  He came to “visit” for a month and ended up staying there for about 6 months, until she dumped him and kicked him out.  He quit on his first day at Subway because the manager was mean to him. 

I admire your bravery! LOL!

 Yeah and they still make fun of Humphries!! haha.