
let her be!  as she requested.  she has always been ultra thin anyway.  let her enjoy grooming herself for these moments in any way she wants.  she’s fine.  and a true diva.  


I gain weight if I eat breakfast. I like eating dinner, and if I eat breakfast I am hungrier at lunch - maybe because my stomach has already expanded? And still eat the same for dinner. I intuitively have worked out on an empty stomach in the morning for years - long before IF became a thing, and now I just feel more

she is SUCH a huckster!!!!  i saw her speak at a shitty hay house convention (my ex was an author) and omg - she literally promoted her book title 80,000 times in between a few other useless words.  not a fan. 

oh, please goddess, NO.  she’s such a fraud.  i regrettably used to date a self help guru, and we went to see her speak at one of his conventions.  she is a joke! 

This is America, you piece of shit, Brokaw. What the fuck European culture do you think you even are representing? This is so fucking disgusting. ‘WHITE’ is actually not in and of itself a CULTURE to stan for. ‘White America’ is a melting pot of distinctive countries from Europe. Most Americans are too mixed to even

WHAT? THE BROWN GRANDBABIES THINGS - - -WOW. I CAN’T. Just to clarify I am white as a lilly. I did a DNA test and I’m 55% British, 35% Western European (mainly French and German), 10% Scot/Irish and 5% Swedish. I’m British and Western European American. My 95 year old grandfather is alive and kicking (whose parents

I’ve used them for short periods when I felt overwhelmed and depressed, and if I started to feel side effects - like sexual side effects or digestive side effects - I’d go off and I never had any problems either using them or going off abruptly.  I’ve done it two or three times in my life. 

You guys are freaking me out about one instance where my ex pushed me against the doorframe by the neck - and how dangerous it really is.  I was so upset and so angry and he threw my posessions onto the beach - and I was just like - you ever touch me like that again or damage my property etc etc - next time I call the

Thank you! I’ll post on SNS about it to help me stay accountable.

I have a courtyard at the moment, but in past years - lived in many cities, often alone, and I would never leave blinds drawn in my main room 24/7.  I need a lot of natural light.  I wouldn’t worry too much! Facing my courtyard, I leave my kitchen blinds open 24/7 but my building is pretty secure.  Still, I let

hey, jezzies. i’m meeting my best gay friend for vegan dinner tonight in LA. had some clients today. i’m going to try to abstain from booze after tonight. or maybe start on monday. i can never do dry january - my boyfriend did, i did not. after christmas my work was SO SLOW. but i am really busy next month and pushing

that’s really sweet. i’m crying!

she is living her BEST LIFE since renee passed away and i’m here for it

lol.  you just made me recall john mayer and the comment about jessica simpson.  wtf does it even mean? 

I read the trilogy and promptly forgot everything between those pages.  This woman does not know sex, that is all I can tell you.  

that’s pretty vulgar. 😬  

you nailed it. 

I think they apologized they didn’t have a sample for her and she has twisted it! 

it is! she’s pretty glamorous looking and appears in shape to me, which makes it even weirder. but - i dunno.