
I always preferred living in London but the way I integrated myself with tried and true Brits I never lived outside SW London and often found myself in the countryside (but unhappy.)  SW London was great for me, but the countryside - I will never be happy there. It’s just not me. I’m a city girl, and like most

Right.  I wanted to immerse myself in the culture and learn customs and be part of things.  I’m also not a very typical American girl, anyway.  I’ve always traveled a lot and studied topics that required me to study languages and culture.  I am really grateful I lived there.  It was an amazing experience and it’s kind

I only spent 8 months in London and was definitely happiest there, but I was in SW London - Fulham.  I also took part in a summer program in my field, and I can tell you all the 20 - 30 year old graduates ruthlessly made fun of certain typical American people in the program behind their back.  I dated someone who had

You are correct, girl. 

No American has any idea how much the Brits look down on us until they spend a year trying to be part of the culture, and encounter school children who openly mock Americans as a rule. You just would not know if you haven’t been out there and been pummeled with it.  I dealt with both immediately and hung in there.

That’s what’s missing from the international press coverage of this. Most Brits want to live in the countryside especially with babies. Whereas we in the States consider more money and status in the cities - they really don’t want to live in London unless it’s a second home.  It is posh to be in the country. Also -

Yeah well - I live in LA.  And the ex pat Brits here - love me.  And I hang with some of them.  And they love having a girl around who ‘gets England’ but can still be the LA girl.  But living over there is a different thing. I’ve done both. 

I hear you! People who haven’t really been there done that have no idea how bad it really is.  I’m 100% certain I made the right choice to hoof it after four years. 

Yeah she didn’t need to name names that’s totally true.  

I think she’s simply emphasizing how fucked up the virgin / whore complex is and that it’s way too prominent in how we portray young women in the media.

It does.  I came back because I realized America is the only country I’d want to raise a daughter in.  And a better place for me to pursue my goals.

Thank you for confirming - it is so true! :)  I also just read in Meghan - not that I know her - that she is very headstrong and ambitious and I think she just saw ‘princess meghan’ as her future and didn’t necessarily realize what she was getting into and that she wouldn’t be universally adored and affirmed and what

I can’t get it to work on hulu or prime.  Any suggestions???  

I buy this theory, too! And I’m sure Meghan has been rude without meaning to b/c the customs are so ingrained in the Brits and she can’t possibly know all of it.  And yeah they will be indignant about it and not want to take it from this interloper. 

I lived in the UK for four years and have dated 3 Brits.  The English, especially the upper class, really TRULY have a massive superiority complex towards the US.  I would not be at all surprised if Meghan entered into this a bit naively with regards to that.  I was surprised at how pervasive it was.  I would not

omg i don’t know if i can ever eat eggs again.  and i eat them several times a week. 

oh god i haven’t watched this yet but i’m going to love the shit out of it.  all the comments you guys write crack me up so much. 

This ☝🏻 That was so pathetic! 

Right on! 

Well.  One of the guys I was dating - because this Republican wanted to ‘keep going on first dates’ - I saw him last night.  I just said to him at dinner - I’m so sick of people ‘keeping their options open.’  I said I don’t want to operate this way.  I said to him - look, do you want to be my boyfriend?  He said yes.