
Right. I for one am not excited about the “Back To the Future” prequel in which we learn that Biff was actually a performance artist who, through the medium of bullying, was working to deconstruct the patriarchy.

I don’t know at all how much of it is true or not, but it seems like every time I hear about Terrance Howard, it’s because he’s upset that someone owes him money. So either a ton of people in his life are all screwing him out of his money (which could be the case), or he’s got his hand in a lot of cookie jars.

Not just that either, apparently she would tank whole bottles of THC concentrate. The kind you’re supposed to consume by the dropperful. Or chow down on enough shrooms to kill a cow. 

You all missed the craziest part of this whole story - she’d drink several glasses/several bottles of straight vodka a night for “medicinal purposes.” Like, she clearly died related to the COPIOUS amount of straight vodka she’d drink. It started out as like 10 shots of vodka a night, but eventually she was just

Claiming to be Fred Trump in a “previous life" when they were definitely both alive at the same time is a bold move.

My, my, my, my Mitchell!

Everything else aside, This Island Earth just wasn’t a great choice, because Mike era comedy—especially during the Sci-Fi run—just didn’t work so well with earnest, well-intentioned 1950s movies. Mike period humor just got progressively meaner as the show went on and worked best with hateful shit* like Merlin or

If you watched both versions of the film, Whedon cut out entire Cyborg plot (he is LITERALLY the heart of the Snyder cut), he cut out his parents, Iris West & Ryan Choi - ALL CHARACTERS OF COLOR.

Wouldn’t be wonderful if we had a system of health care that people wouldn’t have to depend on the kindness of strangers?

Or just leave them on that island and never give them another thought.

Easily the highlight for me was the Gargoyles reference. Hopefully this is a sign that Disney’s ready to dust that particular IP back off after doing it so dirty the first time around.

This story reminds me of when GWB met a woman who had three jobs and was struggling.

I am definitely of the camp that this progression started the minute they made Harry march through London behind his mother’s casket. The palace can reap what they sowed. Harry was out no matter what, and they are extra spectacularly mad that the person that pushed it over the edge is an American woman with a mixed

Meghan’s bullying was probably disagreeing with the people that thought they knew better than her and her setting clear boundaries. 

I struggled a lot signing for the rollout in my state. I moved states and my doctor is in my old state. I wasn't sure about proving my health info here. 

I shared on another article, but I got my first shot two weeks ago when the clinic that my wife works at was giving vaccines.
It was 4:30 on a Friday and they had some doses that they needed to use by the end of the day or they had to get rid of them. I happened to be in my office that day, which is only a few minutes

While we’re on the subject of failures, why don’t you eat some avocado toast or something that Millennials supposedly do instead of buying houses and diamonds? Are you really mad that instead of fixing the world up the way you want it to be, we spent our youth getting fucked up and piercing ourselves in strange

Something to also note Gen X is a smaller amount of people than the Boomer Generation so despite their influence on things it was also the minority in comparison. The Boomers had greater representation and power within society. Truly the millennials who are all adults now could easily take over and sway society over

“Failure of Gen X.” I’m not sure in what magical land a “success” could have happened. Or how you would define a “success.” People may change their views over the course of a lifetime, and some not at all. Cultures change even slower than individuals. Seems a bit unfair to blame Gen X just because they furthered the

Cool. I look forward to Millennials fixing America’s social ills since Gen-X failed. Then I look forward to articles like this, written by Gen-Z, complaining that Millennials did not fix America.