@Ella Good: that comment made reading this far in the thread totally worth it.
@Ella Good: that comment made reading this far in the thread totally worth it.
@science is sexy: the last time I was drunk, I rented "Best in Show" off iTunes and subscribed to Glee on Hulu. it was not a good night.
see? Canadia has its share of crazy times! they're just like us! only...their crazy times are still unfailingly polite.
holy airbrushed abs, Bretman!
when I look into Katy Perry's eyes...man. there's no there there, huh.
@jude44: yes, I hate that too.
@thequeenofstartingover: or other themes! watching a bunch of awkward teenagers slaughter Motown songs is just...not good.
@FormicaLinoleum: yes. since gay folks should get equal rights, then gay folks should also be subjected to some of the crap that straight folks get. ;)
@maude_flanders: I know, I was bummed about that too. but if you go to ABC's site, load up the second half of the show, and she's the second to last segment.
@sableized (you can close your eyes): HELL yes.
@maharani: can you imagine the energy it takes to be so utterly delusional?
what if, no matter what, you found the whole thing extremely lame?
@Miss Suka: I know, I was like "...people actually do that? in real life, not in black-and-white movies or something?"
@littlekim: I'll see your "meh" and raise you a "hideous". fug fug fug.
the idea of that guy playing Freddie Mercury makes me unbelievably sad.
@Cher_Horowitz: you're right. of course, I can't make the face in the comments that it's making. sigh.
regular Zestra users have been known to say, "it sends you to the moon, baby."
@euterpe35 how does she work?: take your truffle cheese and dig your grave!