
I was listening to this great podcast from the Art of Manliness podcast about a book called “Stretch” By Scott Sonenshien. He outlined a good way to differentiate between being cheap and being frugal. Being cheap makes you feel bad at spending money while being frugal makes you feel good at spending money wisely.

Ah, the age old question of: Too soon?

Ha! when I was just but a young pup I neglected changing my oil for over half a year and drove like a road warrior.. when I had finally had the sense to do my oil change.. hardly any oil came out. I lucked the hell out of destroying my transmission to say the least. Needless to say, gotta take care of your car’s blood.

I thought strong magnets would be the easiest way!

Nothing to do with comment but I love that movie! (God Bless America)

For those who’ve gone too far and have insurance for fires..

I’d like to see a more simplified version of taxation. For example just tax everyone 5% of their income. The more complicated it is, the more likely someone is getting screwed.

I read that first line as: If you’re that (adult) kid who still plays with LEGOs...

It wasn’t until I stopped trying before I got someone I accepted and was willing to commit to. Even then it wasn’t perfect, but I put time, I put effort, I put everything I learned from past relationships to prevent the same arguements and problems.

That’s awesome! Lol I have to laugh when I was looking up all these videos on it and how it would react and tespond to some of them when they gave the command. She gets more creepy with all the easter egg she recognizes from games and movies across the board!

I was debating getting the Echo and my coworker told me the Echo Dot has all the same functionality as the full size Echo for 1/3 of the price (biggest difference is the speakers). And since I’m not an audiophile and live in a small space and have my own speakers I can connect it to.. that’s a steal for 40 bucks! That

I do shower my hair and conditioning and lathering my hair is just such a guilty pleasure for me. It’s not worth the time and effort to blow dry for me. I really don’t mind sleeping with it.

If I had a choice, I’d shower in the morning and have a steamy bath at night. For the purposes of this discussion, I’m an evening showerer.

Sanity is my one word answer to why.

I’m surprised this is still the case for 2016 coming 2017. Like where’s a brand out there that is willing to put nice pockets on a pair of pants that’s not on the butt cheeks? *does some research*

It certainly helps from being bombarded with promos and thanks for registering or installing our app emails...

I find this highly effective for team/group emails and for highly responsive and organized people. For others it really depends on individual case to case. Especially with customers.. like some prefer text to calls. Like if they email you they do not want a call back. Some coworkers need a constant nudge or reminder

Is it wrong for me to want to buy one instead being I’m already being lazy getting fast food?

Fucking ropes are badass! Never know! !

Yeah! Don’t put anything in your back pockets and make it unsightly or chance making accidental holes in your pants. The ladies will thank you for the view.