
That's a good idea. I've been meaning to incorporate a similar idea for meals at school. I often don't have time to cook a satisfying dinner during the week, so if I could cook a large amount on Sunday and store it, that could save me a lot of money. The important thing is to find a healthy recipe that keeps well

Awesome! I've been missing Quicksilver... it was just too buggy once I updated to Snow Leopard.

I find command-click works quickly enough for me.

Good idea. I would probably use Google Docs or maybe Evernote (just started using it). Especially now that Docs lets you upload any file... so I could upload an encrypted zip of images/data if I had a lot of expensive stuff I didn't want to advertise. Definitely something I should think about... though right now,

@DH405: I've never tried a vacum brew coffee before. I'll have to give it a shot some time. Yep. I go to school in Kalamazoo.

@Jonathan Parent: Coffee is way better for you than soda, diet or otherwise. It also tastes better, and is more natural.

@Jason: That's a good point. I think that I (and my family) often tend to be a bit snobbish about coffee. At home we often brew our own, either french press or espresso, but if you're on the road, I have to agree that it's probably thanks to Starbucks that other restaurants and chains have improved the quality of

Awesome! I've been bouncing back and forth between Opera, Safari and Chrome on my Mac, and this might warrant going back to Opera when 10.5 comes out for Mac. One of the reasons I usually switched from Opera was speed, but also lack of support for some HTML 5 and CSS 3 features I wanted to test / play with.

@TehBeardMan: I think it's part of Webkit, on which both Safari and Chrome are based.

The soft subs feature will be quite handy for dealing with foreign films and shows. I've had some frustrations with unreadable/unwanted subs before.

I should probably try out Eclipse.. I usually just use VIM, I'm so used to it. VIM is actually one of my favorite programs to use. Once you get good at it, it feels like you can do everything so efficiently.

@Odin: I agree. Also, if you're on Linux, get MPlayer, and on Mac, MPlayer OS X Extended, and the codec pack available at []

I use OS X on a MacBook I got for high school graduation in 2006, but it's got some hardware issues now and I'm getting a netbook with Windows 7 while I get it fixed.

I'd like to see a comparison of the overall cost of ownership of an iPhone or Droid for the whole contract period versus having a dumbphone and a netbook for the same amount of time (with no monthly fees on the netbook). #remainders

@MasterChi!?!: I have to say though, the image they had at that site of a person sitting at "90 degrees" was of someone whose upper back and neck were hunched forward. You can have good posture with any angle as long as you bend at the hips and not at the lower back. #productivity

I thought I was having trouble with QS & Snow Leopard, but it turns out my computer just has hardware issues.

I love VIM. I actually use it as my main source code editor. so this is awesome. #keyboardshortcuts

@ryeliSEAN: I feel like you could accomplish it just using Folder Actions and some shell script, AppleScript, or Automator workflow. I haven't done any Applescript or Automator stuff though, so I don't know how hard it is to resize pictures using them. #imageediting