
It has literally all of the top 10 shounen tropes in the manga. So its gonna be a fun ride. I read the whole thing, and I had fun with it. Was it great? Nope, but it was a solid manga that deserves is run.

Not a bad choice, it has about every shounen trope in the book. So it will all feel fresh for you.

its not?

I read the manga, I actually recommend it. Its not the greatest story, but the saturation of shounen tropes make for some great comedy. Also it has some regular comedy too.

I actually remember reading this manga. By the end, it pulls out literally every shounen trope in the book. From dual personality, to kung fu. There’s even a little magic in there.

Thats easy, go by any walmart out west and just wait. You will find your economy-light version of Donald Trump around 2-6am.

Even Bill Cosby is creeped out.

Good thing the nomination was small enough for him to latch onto, the presidency though, way too big.

Thats some good kinja.

Bottom? We passed that a long time ago, were down here with shovels looking for a way back to the surface.

“Upload a sense of decency and respect into their tiny undeveloped brains? There’s no DLC for that.”

What type of computer is that. Looks like it could barely run minesweeper.

lol at prematurely age, Being exposed to something rated R as a kid does seem to advance your mental state a couple years.

ikr, I don’t condone crap ethics unless I’m making a buck off of it

Exactly like this comment, and this response.

Great now I’m drowning in my own shame from clicking that.

Does Acorns count?

Yep, theres no clear choice this time around. We do get to pick our poison though.

Seriously, with the amount of research hes doing this is PHD dissertation level at least.

Well, that boo isn’t going anywhere.