Zarya’s shield can be popped as soon as soon as she’s about to be frozen, and it resets the entire cc. She can last the longest in a 1v1 vs Mei
Zarya’s shield can be popped as soon as soon as she’s about to be frozen, and it resets the entire cc. She can last the longest in a 1v1 vs Mei
Likewise. I play mei as my go to for attacker on the defense side. She has a counter in zarya, junkrat, tracer, and mcree. But shes the best at holding a contested objective.
Legitimate question: Are you gonna reminice to your grand kids about those achievements? I’m debating doing the same with an obscure fighter, I used to play.
Ikr, wish I got in on the black swan. Instead I just gotta wait for the market to correct like everyone else D:
....Well. Guess, I’m gonna use work to escape the internet this time around.
Mass Effect 1 in a nutshell.
Will do, sorry to come off as entitled, it isn’t a big deal, and thanks for the info. Tell your friend to keep up the good work :D
Lack of competitive mode. As soon as that drops its back on the blizzard bus, as one cam prove their 'skill'
Im honestly hoping paragon gets it together, as it has some of the best components from both games...just not well mixed at the moment. I.e. Like an ice cream and pbj sundae.
Not to be that guy....but any chance DDO is coming westward?
Just like all the ‘social media’ experts.
An amalgamation of masterpieces is indeed a masterpiece.
The past few days have been incredibly....abrasive haven’t they? Glad to get the opportunity to talk to someone informed, aware of the consequences, and not motivated by raw emotion / propaganda. I’m hopeful that this brexit fiasco will serve as a wakeup call worldwide that facts and globalization matter more than a…
It wasn’t for lower sentences, it was to avoid a Trump state. I’m not sure if lower sentences is a net positive or negative. On the one hand, if I were to make a life altering mistake either intentionally or accidentally, it would be less impactful....but on the otherhand that goes the same for everyone else.
Prisoners Dilemma. Its our reality, and as much as you want to fight against it, it is not in your best interest to do so.
Thanks for the dose of philosophy :D
Perceived power is one of the most intoxicating experiences and cheapest to obtain. Its when one begins to believe that power in one aspect of life equates to power in another aspect that things get twisted.
I’m not gonna criticize how someone chooses to spend their time, but I do feel better about how I spend mine now.