
Janitor is working on the netcode as we speak

First, thanks for being civil and communicating effectively. Something that seems to be becoming rarer online.

Ill concede to your definition of tool, as the traits distinguishing a tool, from a toy, from a weapon are based around intent and semantics. Though I disagree that the intention of design is a non factor.

Movie reference?

Should of called aiden pearce and his magic phone

Starred for workable and well documented feedback.

The other things you have mentioned have had their killing effectiveness bled out of them over the years either by decreasing the array of types available (where am i gonna buy a sword?), control on ownership (I am not allowed to purchase live explosives in many states), or regulation on use (Though I can build

What about Grand Kingdom: 21st of june

A weapon’s primary role is too be used in combat. Just because they aren’t being used in that manner doesn’t undercut the intention. From day one, guns were intended to make hunting or killing easier. They have filled that role quite well. However, as the importance of both those things decreases people will attempt

A knife is way less efficient than a gun. I agree the person is the root of evil. However, we cannot hope to stop people. We can only hope to make it harder for them to commit acts of evil. Guns make it too easy to kill many people.

So people that die in a city thats against guns dont count towards the statistics? It really shouldn’t matter what the political affiliation of the town you get murdered in is.

Can i get a gunblade from ff7?

The type a misinformed reader of ruroni kinshin saw used in a fight.. Or was it drifter?

Golden Gun Mei. I take it you like your shaved ice with salt.

really looking forward to this game. Any level of charachter customization though?

Its the Trump Defense. He has the best evidence, its gonna be huge and hes gonna win the argument. So much winning. You won’t believe how much winning.

“All of your “points” are straw men and I can refute every one of them but there’s no point because you’re not willing to listen to facts nor change your mind.”

Sounds like an IB student?

Not sure whether to regulate the katana or the track suit in this case