4 million copies in a week. Good or not, a sequel (and maybe a movie), is on its way. I'm glad, others maybe significantly less so.
4 million copies in a week. Good or not, a sequel (and maybe a movie), is on its way. I'm glad, others maybe significantly less so.
If you play this game as a stealth game (like assassin creed), trying to solve every problem with hacking it becomes incredibly easy (even on realistic mode), but It is still interesting and engaging. Honest to god, I was able to accomplish most of the missions without <directly as in bullets> killing anyone. Maybe I…
Yeah, I agree "greed is good". Also, "medicine can be a poison". My point is all moral standings, can be reduced to a pursuit(greed) of a value. Its human nature, good evil or indifferent. .....Admittedly, my previous statement is meaningless.
We arent good. we are greedy. We all seek something, and will make certain sacrifices to receive these. The fact that we are 9 billion is a consequence of seeking: sex, legacy, love, or support. (I think money is also a cause, but its harder to argue).
every Nintendo fan has a favorite series and they usually won't pick up the latest hardware until that series is represented. For me it's smash bros. When smash wii u drops, I'll drop money for a wii u( preferably a bundle) till then a 3DS is more than sufficient.
wait to u see the star wars world in the new kingdom Hearts.
The first ammendment protects you from the government not your employer. His being fired has nothing to do with his rights as a citizen. This is business not politics
first ammendment protects u from the government not your employer. Jeez, they can fire you for almost anything. Not exactly appealing but to some extent true.
Can we use these for large scale paint ball?