
Jesus. $60 for THAT? *gets out my sewing machine* Let's go! I can do it for $40!

Burt, I'm gonna miss you. You were funny, smart and I watched (lurked) as you went from a commentor to a writer. It gave us all hope. Except.. I'd have to stop lurking and barely commenting. Good Luck on the new gig!

buy multiple boxes. By the time you've eaten the first box, the second box is frozen! Don't forget to buy some vanilla or chocolate (if you roll that way) ice cream. Scoop some ice cream out with frozen thin mint, top with second frozen thin mint ENJOY

YES!! I'm finally fashionable! Well.. there was a year back in the 90's when I stole all my dad's broken in flannel shirts and hoodies. He'd find one and get pissed cause I stretched it out in the chest area. #sorryboutmyboobs

Ok.. so there is a Victoria's Secret call center here in Dayton and my mom's friend works there, taking orders over the phone. She had a lady call and YELL at her because they got rid of XXS and added XL size items. She told mom's friend that "Heavy ladies don't deserve Victoria's Secret"

ahhh.. Secondlife. I'm still a "resident" and penises (penii?) are still a thing. Back in 2006, after the Anshe Chung interview, every once in a while, penii would infect the grid, multiplying themselves all over. Someone put festive santa hats on them around Christmas.

But they had enough to give the CFO a raise? I understand being broke but at LEAST tell the people so they can start working on getting a new job.

The Wet Seal at the Dayton (Ohio) Mall had a sign also. Someone posted it on the r/dayton reddit.

Where is the love for the movie Striptease? That is one of my go to movies when I'm in a crappy mood. So quotable! Burt Reynolds was sooo amazing in that movie.

Nothing beats coming home from your afterschool job to your mother completely naked cutting your equally naked father's hair. A stylist cut his ear once so Mom had to cut his hair for the rest of his life. Nudity was never a big thing in my house growing up. If the doorbell rang in the evening, the guest was sure to

OMG.. Back in the 90's, my 9th grade English class watched that movie. The scene where Juliet looks over the balcony, some dumbass does his best Beavis impression "Heh heh heh boobs"

I can only remember how to make the frog also. But I can make them out of the tiniest pieces of paper. When I get bored at a restaurant, I'll take the straw wrapper and make tiny frogs.

Not a huge DethKlok fan but damn did that episode tickle the shit outta me

No, but I'm crazy about neutering my cats. Nothing has balls in MY house. Never had a single spray out of the old guys and the new kid doesn't even do the "happy tail" spray shake. As long as you give them time to get used to each other and have their OWN areas, by letting your kitty get used to your room and is awesome.

If the other two cats are older, there might be a power struggle. Keep him in your room for a couple days and let the other cats and him get used to each other's smells. Most cats are pretty chill about new cats after the initial "Who the fuck are you?" Well. at least my poor cats are. Take 4 old grouches and add one

That sucks. I was dieting and all my friends knew this. But it's So and So's birthday so we're going out! He wants Red Robin. Ugh... unlimited french fries, greasy burgers. They ended up having this DELISH hummus app with all sorts of fresh veggies cut up. I had that while they gorged themselves on limited fries.

I had a SUPER bad sinus infection one Thanksgiving and no access to the doc. We were having a LAN party also and got super bored, went to the Hustle store and I bought a My First G spot vibe for $10. Just for fun I put that point where it was hurting, between my nose and my upper cheek and just let it vibrate away.

Dayton peeps! Woot! I'm not the biggest Skyline fan. But there is something just good about chili piled on spaghetti with a mound of cheese on top. Gotta add the onions and the beans. 5 way baby.