
You are citing only one of the framers "intent" which is not law. The law is what is written. You stated only one intent which you can have other framers "intents" that do no agree with the with you used to back your argument. Even the Supreme Court, knowing the intent of the framers, has to interpret the laws into

So you really thought that this would "hover"? That Mattel had some sort of anti-grav tech that defense contractors, military, auto-makers, DARPA, etc., hadn't bothered to try? Really?

Just dropped a LS3 525hp crate engine in one of my cars. Really nice ride, lot of support for tuning that anyone can get to, parts are readily available. I was able to take all the LS1 accessories off my old engine and swap them on without a problem.


Probably from the top of the Google Streetview car.

Part of me agrees with this but part of me doesn't. You just state advantages over other players. Does that mean a more intelligent player is cheating when he uses strategy to outwit his opponents? Everyone speaks about how they want everything fair in their games but if that's the case then the outcome would be

Shouldn't he be worrying about "shaming" actual criminals in his city? Like the ones at the NYSE?

That is horrible but again, that's the way management sees things. They'll fire you as incompetent long before they give you the pay and tools you need to survive.

I lurve my saiga 12...

Or, they'll give you a nice raise, fire the others in your department, dump their work on you along with their deadlines and not authorize overtime. So now you have your work, work from other people and a 40hr workweek with 120hrs worth of work. Then if you get behind you're expected to work OT without compensation

He's an astrophysicist, not a geologist.... gosh.

Because that requires detective work and after all, they're just police officers.

They found the robber in the LAST car while everyone else was detained and handcuffed. What if the situation had turned violent with the robber? Could have the police guarantee the safety of the 19+ adults they handcuffed and detained? I doubt the citizens were taken from the scene and I know I wouldn't want to be

I've actually been thinking of building a large displacement turbo diesel rat rod truck/car. It was going to have a truck body but lowered and about the width and length of an average size car with a dually rear end.

Maybe he should feed his dog more normal food rather than small mammalian creatures?

I had almost totally forgot about that. Thank you for bringing me back to my childhood memories of Les Nesman. :)

Ha, I was thinking the same thing.

Does pig latin count?

"Don't expect to see it in production anytime soon, though. Allen hinted that modern NHSTA crash safety regulations would make producing the vehicular equivalent of dangling your legs over the front bumper a near impossibility."

Why, when I was a young dapper youth and used Kazaa, Limewire, etc., I would just type in a word and look for songs with that word. I discovered a large number of bands that I wouldn't have heard of otherwise. Most of the time you could only find one song and it made you go out and buy the album. Now I use pandora,