Who or what is Yesha? Am I getting old and out of the loop?
Who or what is Yesha? Am I getting old and out of the loop?
[...] auctioned off for charity.
out this October.
“We’ve removed Uncharted 4 to make room for Nier: Automata.”
Sega Nintendo does what Nintendon’t.
Then is the opposite true? If you can lower the framerate, you could be a slo-mo juggernaut?
Don’t even mention the damn Korok seeds...
Don’t cut yourself on that edge.
So, Andromeda doesn’t address that name, or if Cora is related??
A Link to the Past. Seeing Hyrule peaceful again, and visiting all the people you helped (and helped you!) along the way was magical. Plus, what a great ending theme!
I was about 11 years old when I first finished it, and I cried like a baby. So wonderful!
This should be official artwork. Bravo!
Yeah, I think that avocado sauce is what really makes it special! It just wouldn’t be as good without it.
Fantastic! Got some serious Ki-oku vibes.
I finally picked up The Banner Saga thanks to the Playstation Flash Sale (which Kotaku hasn’t covered yet!). Hearing about the Banner Saga 3 Kickstarter has me itching to finally start the series!
What a short-sighted, irresponsible thing to do. I mean really, preordering games from Gamestop?? I really expected more from you, Fahey.