I wish authors would post game information at the end of the article. Make it a Kotaku standard for new- or pre-release games: Platform, Price, Release Date. That's not too much to ask, is it?
Whelp, no sleep tonight, I see...
No, it was Col. Mustard, in the Kitchen with the Candlestick!
Yeah, I couldn't see anything for 5 minutes after that, because of my epic eye roll.
True, I couldn't see anything for 5 minutes after that, because of my epic eye roll!
Does that mean we get old-school Meg Ryan too? Oh yeah!
But penis mods like these ones seem rarer than ones for breasts or vaginas, for whatever reason. Still, I can't help but wonder: why do the dicks look like this specifically? Is it preference? Beauty standards? Neither? Is it bad that my reaction was 'why are these so small?' (Yes, probably. I'm just being honest with…
No, there's a couple things leading up to that where you fire rockets into space. You have to research the Satellites tech (which reveals the world map, so you've sent a satellite into orbit), and you have to complete the Apollo Mission wonder (so you've sent men to the moon) to begin creating the game-ending…
You take that back! If there's anybody more loveable than Fahey, I haven't seen him!
Wait, so the cast of the show was there, but only Hank Azaria did his character's voices?
I wish I lived in that world. Not only for the sake of The Simpsons, but for all the joy Phil Hartman brought to this world.
I wish I lived in that world. Not only for the sake of The Simpsons, but for all the joy Phil Hartman brought to this world.
I wish I lived in that world. Not only for the sake of The Simpsons, but for all the joy Phil Hartman brought to this world.
Literally my first thought!
I want you to have all the stars. ALL of them. That was wonderful!