
What do you mean scandalous schoolgirl uniform? I thought all Japanese schoolgirls dressed this way!

"Ok this is not motion capture. It is, however, a great couple images displaying Emotion Capture! Something that is being used all over (and has been for quite a while). We loved the use of this idea in Rango." —the caption below the image.

Good thing you haven't watched it. For some reason, the 7 seconds of footage they chose gave away the twist ending!

Picked up a Nexus 7 last Friday, and I'm really excited for this release. Anybody have a favorite app to pair a PS3 controller? Preferably something that will allow me to remap buttons.

But good news, you didn't instantly answer his question. A man chooses, a slave obeys.

I'm disappointed it wasn't "you up?"

Even more hardcore? He didn't even go to the hospital. He just went to the pub and downed a couple pints to dull the pain before going back to school.

Your answer is in the article: "This initiative differs a bit from the Smithsonian American Art Museum's "The Art of Video Games" exhibit, which is now traveling around the country. That show focused on the visual aesthetics of video games as a medium."

Hm. Your terse summary of the plot really reminds me of the quote from the opening of Firefly: "A captains goal is simple: find a crew, find a job, keep flying." Maybe that helps explain the popularity of ME2.

Sadly, I could totally see that being Google's underground headquarters where they secretly run the world.

Yeah, I'd find that offensive, but in that scenario I have affection for Jane Smith. I don't have any affection or kind feelings about 9/11.

She said "fuck 9/11". What part of that is fucked up? I mean, unless you're pro-9/11, how is that offensive?

This guy had to illustrate, ink, color, shade, and highlight Gabe Newell's crotch. Let that sink in for a moment.

Agreed. It's going to be a very Merry Christmas in my house!

I thought it was pretty clear that the first paragraph was tongue in cheek.

This is the worst console launch in history!!! The WiiU will go down in flames like the Dreamcast after this reasonable two week delay!!one!!

So, they served their purpose so now they should vanish, and let the worker-employer relationship degrade, losing all they had fought to achieve? I don't think so. Even to this day, it is still necessary to have a organized groups who champion worker's rights. Unions are not, and should not be going away anytime soon.

Yeah, I'd say stick with it. I wish I had. Your experience with ASOS will be better for it, I think, if you know exactly what's going on. ASOIAF is dense and confusing enough without skipping a book and a half.

Yeah, I got that impression when I started Storm of Swords. I had to look at a lot of wiki pages to get things straight and reconcile the two sources.

Eames as Bane?