
Thank you! The article even explicitly talks about how the height thing is because of the stupid sexist standard that women should take up less physical space than men! I think this is why a certain subset of petite women seem to have a dating preference for very tall men - because subconsciously (or consciously)

You trying to tell me video gaming isn’t a mainstream interest? Or, that comic books aren’t? Because if the latte is true, then I’m REALLY puzzled by the existence of multi-million-dollar superhero blockbuster movies that seems to keep showing up, despite them supposedly having no audiences.

Seriously. It might be suicide in some social circles to say it so directly and/or out loud, but there are just as many if not more where such a statement would be greeted with high fives.

For real. People have “no fat chicks” stickers on their cars for Christ sake.

I’m from Spain, one of the countries where women don’t change their name when they marry, and it always baffles some of the arguments for changing your name that I see in English-speaking countries. I know that it’s because our culture is different, so what is considered “normal” is not the same and I haven’t grown

Yes! Third-wave feminism gets really bogged down in the whole “I choose my choice” nonsense. I remember, from a few years ago, a long conversation on Jez with multiple posters dead seriously claiming that Spanx are profoundly and powerfully feminist because they feel more confident when they wear them. *facepalm*

FWIW, I’m 5’10” (6’3” in hair and heels) and the best sex in my addmiteddly fairly illustrious 20 year romantic career has consistently been with short men. Obviously it COULD be a coincidence, but in my experience a guy who’s happy and secure enough with himself to date a girl who’s a full head taller than he is also

Sing it. One of the most gratifying and enlightening (as it were) conversations I ever had was when I asked my dark-skinned partner to really think about why he preferred fair-skinned women. He thought because he bucked the system by going for someone much taller and heavier that his preference was influence-proof.

I’ve seen those arguments and agree. Many of them don’t recognize that they’re being influenced by the culture around them.

I guess I’d buy that argument more if the furious arguments and accusations of feminazi bullying didn’t reliably roll in on every single comment on this issue pointing out that the culture we live in has a profound effect on our choices.

Oh, no. You could SLEEP with her, but you’d never be seen in public with her or take her home to meet your family.

Its true, ive found that girls im forced to be around (school or work) i end up liking more than girls i meet based on an immediate physical attraction at a bar or party. Just being around someone for a few moments and talking to them makes them more attractive in my experiences. Physical attraction is important but

Honey, these days EVERYONE is a geek. Open your eyes and look.


This sadly applies to a lot of aspects of third wave feminism. You said it in your comment - we don’t make choices in a vacuum. So many feminists (especially on this site) will argue until they’re blue in the face trying to validate their choices as having nothing to do with the patriarchy, but it would be easier to

THIS! I say do and date who or what you like. Even reject whole swaths of people because of race or whatever. But please don’t lose your shit if someone points out to you how your preferences were potentially shaped by a particular social and cultural context.

No kidding. How many men who are overweight (some by a good margin) refuse to date a woman who doesn’t look like a model? You hear nary a peep out of people about that, and the guy never suffers for it. Hell, a good chunk of media features overweight men turning down/mocking overweight woman and then getting a hot,

Seriously. If anything, choosing to date a fat woman is MORE of a socially risky thing to do. Mockery at the very least, whether to your face or behind your back.

It reminds me of the whole taking your husband’s name when you get married thing. As every Jezebel article on the subject illustrates, many if not most female readers either took their husband’s name or plan to, which is perfectly understandable. But way, way too many of them angrily insist that they did so completely

I would ask to evaluate your interactions with shorter people carefully. If you saw similar macho or aggressive behavior from someone your height, would you view it as overcompensation, or just normal behavior? It might be possible that what what you view as overly aggressive or macho behavior is only perceived as so