
I usually have all my bad ideas at that time. Wait... when do I have good ideas? Hmm....

What is the fun if no one is there to run for their lives?

Her real name is Gracie. She was transplanted by the crew of the Enterprise from the future. This is why she has not tribe or family.

I did not need any proof of this. By the way it is "bullet resistant" not "bullet proof" there is no such thing as "bullet proof" anything. With the right caliber, angle, and distance any "bullet resistant" glass can be penetrated.

This is Gizmodo. You want a post to have a point? Lol.

OK so do they rent a place with a toilet?

Wait... he is too valuable to them so they told him that if he moves back to England he gets the boot? Anyone else see that as a contradiction?

I am sorry, but anyone who is gullible enough to actually send money to Nigeria has what is coming them. Did not this man question once why he was sending money to so many different countries for one person? Was he so desperate that he would believe anyone and anything?

I am amazed that 5% actually don't own one. I wonder what % don't have a toilet.

Huh? How small was the gun or how big is her underwear?

I always wanted to hide my light switches.

I find it amazing that he actually gave it to the person.

This is somewhat off topic but I have been looking for a headset for my cellphone that works well. I have not had much luck. What I have been thinking is to somehow mod a setup where I have a standard headphone and a separate mic that would slip to the cuff of my sleeve or the my shirt lapel, etc. Is there any such

Does Dell have no corporate security?

I am fairly certain that this is not the ingredients for Coke. At least it is not the full ingredients. I do know that it has Cinamic Aldehyde as an ingredient.

Interesting. That means that even when Samsung loses it wins. Talk about hedging your bets.

Retinitis Pigmentosa is the disease I have.

That's a bummer.

I asked a verizon rep and he said that facetime will be over 3g with or without jailbreaking.

I sooo want one!