
"unlimited data is a start"

Granted, that July is only like a half year away, but where does one draw the line when it comes to buying tech? Any tech you purchase is bound to be surpassed by either an upgraded model or a competitor at some time. It all comes down to deciding that a product does what you need it to do and getting it despite the

Verizon already has an unlimited data plan for their phones. There is only a cap on data transmission when tethered, using the phone as a hot spot, or on modem devices.

Was there not an article on Gizmodo about a similar device to be used by soldiers on the battlefield? What is unique about this? This is not new tech.

@not2techy: Cool, do you want to draw them up or should I. Bear in mind that I draw sloppily.

As a former firefighter my self, I would concur with Not2techy that a wider ladder with a rail system attached to the side would be better. The fireman could place the person in a basket stretcher that would lower along a rail. Once offloaded the basket would be sent back up the the firefighter to load another

@not2techy: They can use those basket stretchers used in many rescue situations and either lower them with a pulley system or fit them to hook them to the type of track system you mentioned.

"exactly as she were in 1945." Should read was not were.

Giz should post a contest for the best caption to the above photo. Personally, I think it looks like she is getting the passenger to squeeze something out.

@Turkieshooter: Actually, in most states carrying a gun is not legal either. Generally, in those states where you can carry a gun with or without a permit this type of device may be legal as well. I think, thought I am not sure, that there is an issue when it comes to the voltage of a stun weapon, when it comes to

Is the correct answer for any of the questions "I don't know"?


@rjdub: Thank you. I stand corrected.

Yeah, a knife, and a p90... every adventurer needs a p90 with an ACOG scope.

I'll send ten times that if I can meet the gal in that video.

Somehow I doubt this is legal in most states.

Being blind I have to know where I am and where I am going at all times. I have thought of using these new walky talky programs that use google maps and the like but have not really gotten into them as of yet.

Go Nook! Go Nook! Read those Kindle files, if you can't do it no one can! Gooooo Nook!

All I can write is "Wow."