
@psxndc: "Any copying or distribution that is not authorized by the copyright holder is copyright infringement. Similarly, the DMCA makes it illegal to circumvent copy control mechanisms to access a protected copyrighted work ..."

@vel0city: One does not have to sign such a document unless one registers the product.

@socket7: I could be wrong, but does not copy-write laws only affect illegal behavior in the commercial application of a product or some digital media? If I were to take the technology and modify it for some other commercial use I would be in violation of Microsoft's Copy-write. However, if I pay Microsoft for its

"Law enforcement"? What law would I be breaking if I bought Mircosoft's product and modified to work with my Wii, or turn on my blender? This is assuming that I legally obtained the Kinect, and I am not using the product for anything but private use. Once I purchase a product it is mine and I can adjust it all I

Should this come as any surprise? The effects we have seen are just the tip of the iceberg.

I was thinking about joining in on the bashing on this article but I think that the horse is dead already. There is not need in inflicting damage on a corpse.

How did they get the before shot? Do they routinely take photos of

Has anyone used this? Is it any good? How does it compare to the

A glass carpet? I think the fact that it is glass makes it not a carpet.

Why do you not give the option to list all on one page?

Hmm... with the privacy issues that Facebook has had they want us to entrust them with ALL of our login information? Yeah .. that might happen... not!

@The Lab: I understand you completely. However if state regulations are needed to protect the health of the population since the population seems not to be able to protect themselves, then it would seem that a ban on cigarettes would be more of a priority than regulating happy meals which as unhealthy as they man be

I am not one that favors government regulation. As I do understand the motives of the regulations, and myself do feel that children should eat more healthy foods, I do not see it as being the business of government to do the job that we as parents should be doing. Let's face the fact that Mc Donalds can sell these

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Tried it and it did not work.

You can do the same with a Clear WiFi hotspot, and get unlimited data. Not a bad idea.

Apothiosis live!

I thought that all glasses where 3D. What would 2D glasses look like, and how would you wear them on your 3d face?