Radical Parrot aka Aukbirdie

Its way more fun to read when its a cross-post. The Root commenters don’t hold back, but I’ve noticed there is a lot more push back from the Jezebel regulars when the white defensiveness/entitlement attitudes come out, which is nice.

The Root’s article was entirely complementary of Richards, I think, whereas this article added a bit of criticism as well by also emphasizing the need for action, not just words. A bit of irony in that? Heh

You have a great out, though, because you can just say: Duh, the uni-cellular aliens evolved into multi-cellular aliens like we did.

Are you the same Janeway I follow on Twitter? Prolly not but never know.

Being on the spectrum myself, I find that I’m hyper-aware of boundaries and personal space, because when other people get too close to ME or bring up uncomfortable topics, I get very anxious. So I’m constantly aware of boundaries and personal space for others, to the point of being overly-cautious, to my detriment.

A DNR is for any situation in which your heart has stopped. The reason your heart stopped in any given situation is rarely known at the time, and in any case if you are that ill or injured, even successful CPR isn’t going to get you back to work on Monday. Maybe a Monday next year after after Rehab, but even more

This is wrong. Protocols and standing orders vary by state/region/locality, but the national trend has been moving towards giving Paramedics more latitude as to when and when not to attempt resuscitation.

So this is like, a conversation from many moons ago, I just want to say I understand, and I do empathize. It is okay, we all can do no better than our best at any given moment. I am sorry. What I said to you was hurtful.

Every year it became a fucking news item: Charles Manson up for parole. Every fucking year. 2017 still sucks, but maybe a bit less, now.

Its more of a public safety term. The tactical response by law enforcement and medical resources for an ‘active shooter’ differs from other types of shooting/armed suspect incidents.

That’s cute, but more or less true. You’re not dead until the brain gives up. Heart stopped, breathing stopped, as long as we can say the brain might still be working, you’re just “mostly” dead, not quite all the way there yet. Exceptions, of course, abound, but if your head is intact, you’ve got a chance.

I can empathize with the reluctance you have, honestly its PTSD inducing even on adults when we hear ribs crack during CPR.. that is like, causing physical trauma to a human being! I really would encourage you, though, to work past that. Early and effective CPR is a really important step in preservation of not just

If you received a complete CPR course, you would have been properly trained to administer CPR on any age person, and told that some broken ribs are a small price to pay for being alive. In fact, effective CPR will REQUIRE you break ribs, to be able to put enough force on the heart to circulate oxygenated blood, so

What? No! Wait, what? Fuck, pardon my french, NO. Anyone who has to do chest compressions on a person does not see boobs. I’ve had to do so many times. What is wrong with people that OMG BOOBIES could possibly matter when someone’s heart has stopped beating?

Yeah, I in no way give a pass to anyone who hurts others in pursuit of their addictions and certainly hope I didn’t give that impression. Its an explanation, at best, not a pass.

I’m not sure you can be a sex addict and not manipulate people. Not that its an excuse, its still wrong, but part of the pathology of addiction is toxic relations towards other people. I absolutely do not think its a valid excuse for abusing others, and even seeking to use such an excuse is gross. I can empathize with

I’ve been thinking about this all day and before this story I just couldn’t decide how to think. I mean, its one accuser with no history of this sort of thing, no pattern of harassment or assault that we are aware of. I don’t want to call his accuser a liar, I mean, I have to believe him, but maybe it happened and was

Its less funny when its true.

Steve in accounting has no power or visibility. He will never make the New York Times due to his shitty behavior.

Here’s an example from a little while ago, at work there was this guy who was socializing and put his arm around a woman. It wasn’t overtly sexual, but it was aggressive, and I didn’t even know if it was unwanted, but I straight up said “Hey [dude’s name], boundaries!”