Radical Parrot aka Aukbirdie

How many siblings are you willing to have? cuz I’m in.

Best way I can explain privilege is my own situation. Pretty sad, I guess, but I’m a useless, lazy white boy hanging on the the skin of my teeth. I like to think maybe I have some skills that that are appreciated by my superiors, but deep down I know I’m just a warm body filling a seat and doing the job adequately

I love Pop. I wish I was as brave as he is on speaking on these issues. I try, I really want to try but I feel like there is so much more I can do that every time Pop speaks on these issues I feel ashamed knowing I can do more. I don’t mean to center myself by saying this even though that is exactly what I’m doing. I

Is the Yankees organization a covered entity under HIPAA? Serious question. That seems odd.

Its a huge problem and no one cares. Literally, no one in emergency medical services cares about this issue. Our mental health training sucks, we do not have the tools or training to deal with violent patients and it falls to the police to get physical control before a sedative can be given or soft restraints applied.

There is a huge variety of drugs and protocols among different regions and states. Where I work we had Haldol for a couple years, but I think its been taken out of the protocols for being useless and dangerous.

Nah, there is a HUGE moral difference between permitting state sanctioned homicide and demanding bodily autonomy. In fact, using the power of the state to impose on a woman’s bodily autonomy in the case of abortion is on the same side morally as the death penalty, with a difference of degrees and consequences,

On top of that, speaking on racial issues is not f’in “partisan,” and these idiotic publications that are so scared of the backlash from the alt-right wackos infesting social media platforms need to get over it. “White supremacy is bad,” or “Police murdering black people is bad” are not controversial or partisan they

Probably not much while it happens, but after the fact the hospital could file a trespassing charge and probably even obtain a restraining order.

The only place to go from here is to disband ICE and Border Patrol, fire everybody and restart from scratch, under the auspices of the State Department WHERE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. Bush 2 forming DHS fucked everything up. Immigration and naturalization are political and international relations issues first and

Yes. White people suck whether they come from the east or the west.

Haha if only I were that bad ass.

There actually IS a liquid form for prescription use, as a spray. It’s in a stabilizing solution so no its not dynamite in a spray bottle available at your local Walgreens.

For anyone who doesn’t want to click on the article

Too little to late for anyone in my life who voted for that thing in the white house. I gave up last week. After what happened in VA and Trump’s bullshit response anyone who still supports him is complicit in the country’s descent into fascism and I am done.

Didn’t help with Richard Spencer, but I guess as long as its on video, it helps the rest of us.

That was one of the first questions that came to my mind too.

Holy fuck try to listen to the voices that are screaming at you, at us. This is our legacy, this violence and death. One white woman died compared to how many of other races? Get over yourself. Its a tragedy but it IS NOT ABOUT YOU.

Good on you. I too work in EMS in an urban system, just a mean dispatcher now but worked the road for years. It’s a pretty high pressure environment and it sure is easy to become jaded and I’ve worked with a few paramedics who were just horrible people. It always comes back to bite them in the butt though, or they go

We don’t talk enough about blonde haired white girl privilege (sarcasm, sorta?)