Radical Parrot aka Aukbirdie

There is a lot more that can and should be done than that. It is becoming more and more obvious that remedies in the justice system will not work (grand juries won’t indict, or juries won’t convict, if it even gets that far). Internal reviews, nor community review boards are working. After-the-fact attempts at

Except we are much more susceptible to bacterial infections of the digestive system than many other animals.

Point taken.

The reflexive response to black lives matter inside public safety professions is that it is anti-police, because “they are our brothers” (and sisters I guess?) I hear this shit all the time from coworkers. Its either you 100% support the police or you are 100% against them. A lot of authoritarian bullshit (and racism).

Ugh. I work in this environment (ambulance side of things, where its a problem too, but I also work closely with fire and police) and I’m not at all surprised by the blatant hypocrisy and ignorance on display here.

Be aware: Benadryl is a brand name for the generic diphenhydramine, which is made by many different manufacturers in a huge variety of forms (pill, capsule, liquid, gel), shapes, colors and sizes. We lay persons call all of them benadryl whether a generic brand or not. There is no way to know what a pill is with

This sucks and is bullshit. Excited delerium is a real thing, I have first hand experience treating it in the field (not just people who have been tazed), it has measurable physiological effects and is very deadly if not treated. It usually presents with tachycardia and hyperthermia with an acute change in mental

She’s so big! All the good thoughts to you and her.

Two stuffed aminals: I had a huge Bubbles (Powerpuff Girls) won from the New York State Fair, and a small parrot which I also loved. What is perhaps most sad is that I got both of those in my late teens but I loved them none the less.

For whatever it is worth, I say good for you. Be well with yourself, whoever you are.

The Lord helps those who help themselves (to other people’s money)

LOL its funny because that’s how twins work. As the kids say, good Kinja.

This sad story I had some tangential involvement in last evening. The story is kinda wrong, it was the ambulance that went earlier in the month and got the fire department involved because of the unsafe conditions the woman was living in. That was how my shift started, and turned out to be one of the deadliest Friday

I guess they haven’t gone to spinal motion restriction in Canada yet. Backboards are medieval torture devices, cause more injuries than they prevent and have virtually no benefit over other methods of immobilizing and moving people. GET RID OF THEM CANADA. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS.

That sounds even more confusing but I think what you’re saying is correct. What we typically call an allergic reaction is really a histaminergic reaction (either systemic or local release of too much histamine). If that’s what Celiac was it could be corrected or prevented with Benadryl. It ain’t that. An auto-immune

One way some people look at these problems is based on the “dog eat dog” cliche, which is reinforced by artificial scarcity. Many people see life as a zero sum game where one person gets ahead, someone else has to lose. Being selfish is necessary for survival.

This is typical authoritarian bullshit that respect is not earned but demanded. Conservative assholes all think this way, that just because they have authority by way of position or class, respect should be given unquestioningly and any one failing to do so is morally suspect. It’s gross.

There are quite a few unsung female heroes (heroines?) of early Computer Science progress. Kudos to Yale for this.

I’m sure I’ll be forever gray here but I just want to share - I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much in one day as I have today reading all about the various marches and the awesome turnout. Its like little bits of my soul being healed to see how many good people are still out there. I have hope again after today.