Kyle Nuss

The Good Place has two things going for it, Kristen Bell and Michael Schur. My problem is that the concept doesn't sound like a TV series to me. I don't see how this idea can go longer then 1 season but due to the people in front and behind the camera, and the fact it did give me a few chuckles, I will watch.

and i'm the guy who watches Bordertown on Hulu. It's a really sub par show that has a few jokes but uses misses on most attempts. I will admit though the one thing I liked about the show was the beginning when they would show the border agent trying to stop the Mexican drug dealer trying to get across. That usually

I watched the 2 new episodes. I think its ok, has potential to be some thing really good in the long run. I like the family dynamic, the girls have their own personality and they drive him crazy but at the end of the day, they do love each other. I really did like the episode when he's getting bullied and the girls

I'm glad to hear someone else appreciated The Mighty B. That was a fun show and had a fantastic cast. I wish there was more of that show.

As a fan of the series during its original run, i'm very happy to see it getting recognized because it was a good show with really good intentions. The idea of the show was in the theme song "What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding." The creators may of went on to run Community season 4 (Part of me will

The guys in the videos probably didn't think it would be that harsh.

Really wish they kept Sports Show going for the football season. I believe it could of gained some traction.

I agree but at the same time I believe this show can be better.

Very happy to hear this, really enjoyed the first season and think it can get a lot better.

This episode was a misstep for LMOE. I really didn't like how they rushed Mike getting to Tandy and the crew. I get where the show is going, maybe explaining the past a little more and brother relationship but I would of liked if they eased into the brother conflict. I really wish they saved the fact that Mike missed

I understand why Bob would be fearful of the pigeon. I hate birds.

I notice in the Stand By Gene, Mort actually had speaking lines for the first time in awhile. Nice to see Mort back.

June is so far away. It's ridiculous but it means we will have new Steven Universe for at least a good 3 more years.

I'm glad to here its not going for a full payment format. I use Soundcloud a lot to post movie conversations, notes, and that. It's very easy to record right off my phone and post right to the site.

I disagree, I love Last Man on Earth. Think its one of the best shows on TV. Very funny show with a great premise.

I want to like Max Landis, Chronicle was great and American Ultra was a fun film. But the way this guy acted when Ultra bomb was terrible, then by basically shaking off Victor Frankenstien as a studio problem, that rubs me the wrong way.

Didn't realize he was in this show. He must be into the bible and that considering he was in that Noah film a few years ago.

Glad you ask, it gets an average of 1.1 - 1.3. That is another series that I really enjoy.

I'm disappointed with this trailer. I was hoping for a little more grown up type humor but at least Andy Daly is getting work. This movie reminds me a lot of Max Keeble's Big Move.

I'm disappointed to see that the reviews will be ending. I mean its only 4 more episodes (and if NBC's ratings are any indication, the last).