Kyle Nuss

1) Phil 2 putting the gun up to Phil 1 in the beginning of the episode was a little terrifying.
2) I can bitch about Melissa but the entire group is just way too mean to Phil 1 this episode. I mean I get it but at the same time you guys are no better then Phil season 1.
3) I still predict the entire group will either

A Dan Harmon Show? Crap, now I have to pay for this service

This Tone Bell guy was in Bad Judge and Whitney.

How's the Jane the Virgin show?

Just quietly waiting for Gravity Falls review/recap. What a fantastic episode.

The whole gun thing at the end (while really funny) is actually understandable. He doesn't know how the group will react to him and considering he's gotten death threats, it makes sense for him to have the gun out as he enters the room.

Again I loved the opening. "I made the right choice, you would of never approve this."

My fan theory is dead which really disappoints me. The only real complaint I have about this episode is that it felt like it went way too fast. Lots of funny moments and that dream sequence.

Am I the only one who found the opening extremely funny?? I was laughing so hard with everyone hiding under the desk as Piggy just storms around the writers room.

This was a great way to set up Season 2. Will Forte and Kristen Shall are great together and was hurt when Phil left her behind.

I would love if this debate happen then he showed up as Ron Burgundy

This show is the definition of Black Comedy. I feel the idea of killing a imaginary friend is one of the most mess up things this show has done but yet I was still laughing pretty hard.

I enjoyed the EDBD jokes…just want to say that.

This is the worst recap I think I have ever read.

Well maybe he can write it off at the end of the year on his taxes.

I was kinda hoping they would cut back to Forrest's Dad and he wakes up to a loud noise in the house.

I usually hate Tim & Eric but I like Steve Brule. I love the cable access format and it works for this type of show.

As the song from Portlandia said "The Dream of the 90's is alive in Portland"

God, the voice of Gideon is the guy who did Flapjack? Now that I think about it, it makes sense. I didn't make the connection.

Well Soos did tell her everything in a 3 hour phone session right after it happened. Now does she believe Soos, that's the question.