Kyle Nuss

I didn't mind it mainly because Chang did make a few points.

So in the 2nd episode, Was I the only one thinking this was going to end like Family Fracas. Where when Bob had Jimmys back to the tree and instead of hitting Jimmy, Bob gives his speech. I had a feeling Jimmy would charge Bob, take the balloon from behind, hit bob. Jimmy wins. I'm so glad it didn't end like that.

I thought it was a good episode. My favorite part has to be when Abed and Dean do their little tight rope dance in the flashback.

Tell you the truth, I thought the scene of Tandy coming out to the group was all just a dream in till I saw Phil 2.0 tackle him to the ground.

LMAO I actually really like this idea but I could see this becoming very serious since Phil 2.0 will leave someone out in the desert to die.

That would be awesome.

Wait, Arthur is actually still in production? I just assumed they been airing the same episodes over and over.

I actually enjoyed War At Home.

I'm disappointed with the lack of comments on this page because this show is so different it needs to be watched.

One thing I really liked about this episode is that we got to see more of Phil from the pilot.

I find this show really funny and everyone knew it was going to end really badly for Phil once he told that lie. I'm kinda hoping though that with the next people that show up, they make a joke about how Phil really sucked at finding people. I do plan on continuing watching this show because I got full faith that

I disagree with a lot on this list but Scott Pilgrim made the top 20, so I'm cool with it.

Where's Scott Pilgrim?

Scott Pilgrim better be on the 50 - 1 list

I will admit it feels good but I kinda miss the feeling of watching the episode with everyone on Twitter. I don't miss waiting to see the ratings the next day.

I'm a little surprised at the reaction in the comments because I was laughing my butt off for the majority of this episode. Chang knocked it out of the park with his play. I loved this episode. It defintely had the feel of Season 1 - 3 Community.

As long as its better then that horrible 2nd film

I had some pretty good laugh's in this episode but my god I hate Phil. I just want to punch him in his face. I understand why he's like that, but he's coming off as just too unlikeable. He reminds me of Concilman Jamm from Parks & Recreation but only just a tiny bit more funnier. I am still enjoying this show but I

Hey, that cat-bite role was really funny. As well last season as he was doing that one man show for an empty theater full of ghost.

This episode was just fucking amazing. I was impressed with Soos turning on Stan, I was scared that something was going to happen to Mable, I felt for her when she had to make that decision. It was just so well done and I loved it.