

It's Victorian-era. It's probably something English people said French people said but the French never actually did.

No, that would just be an invasion of our "rights". If we just track gamers we can limit the invasion to only the bad people. /rollseyesthroughhead

Let's not bring logic into this, okay?

But god forbid we track people who own/use ACTUAL firearms.

Just google monopoly here :<

Agreed. And I don't think this is exclusive to a country. People in the US do this also.

Now this may be just UK thing, but why are heavy weed smokers so eager to let everyone know that they smoke weed.

I used to work with someone who smoked it quite a bit and all he ever talked about was how much weed he smokes. It seemed he never did anything else, every conversation with him revolved around weed.


Final Fantasy XII used to be my favorite game in the series, and then XIII came along. XIV isn't half bad either for an MMO. If XV is at least as good as XIII, then I'll have pretty much 150% solidified my beliefs that all of the Square haters are just whiners who have nothing better to do.

Still waiting on a Dragonlance trilogy hollywood.

You do realize that those servers are for digital downloads, right? Games are going to get bigger online and they need more servers. XBL is quite literally a social and pairing system, which doesn't take up nearly as many servers as they'd like you to believe. Plus, there is this thing called Peer to Peer. I'm sure

Nope it doesn't go down for month's on end because when its hacked Microsoft hides it and doesn't care that they have been hacked and ignore the risks to staying online because if they admitted to it people would wonder why they pay for this. But no fan boy would ever know this because they don't know how to find news

Yeah, over the top, disproportionate art has been a problem since prehistoric times... NOT. We transform it in a problem. The female body is way more harmonic and beautiful than the male one, it also is a symbol of fertility. It's only natural embracing sexuality and wanting to see a naked body. Yet in the USA for

What is this?