
Some people experience PTSD sypmtoms when they've been through horrible things in the past. A "trigger warning" is to let these people know that if they're sensitive to this kind of content, to get away now or to at least mentally prepare themselves if they wish to continue viewing the content.

I've completed MGS4, and even considering what he said, that still doesn't brush aside what it looks like MGS5 is going to show us. Your "But this other game said THIS thing" deflection is not an answer to my question.

Pray tell, how would *you* "tastefully" illustrate the descent into madness of the main antagonist of a giant portion of the Metal Gear storyline? A man who is known to have used torture as a means to an end? A man willing to use a nuclear weapon to get his way? How would you, 'O Moderate One, show this man's downward

Yes, but they're not region-locked. This means that more Amiibo just means more Amiibo. Granted, it would be a bit more expensive to import than to just wait for Western releases, but that's not the point.

How in the hell is brand loyalty the driving factor for the fans of the newbie of the console market? I don't get it. They've only been doing this for 14 years.

What I am saying is there is no need to change the way things move in Dead or Alive. There's also no reason to hype the way things move in Dead or Alive. So stop making such a big deal out of it. If fans want it, it'll be in there.

PS4: L1 Button

If that's the reason people went to see that movie, then that is their own fault. This movie was penned as an origin story from the very start, and to go in expecting Superman in his prime is just plain stupid.

Also, what the hell is it with you people and thinking Superman has to be completely infallible? I know you

Superman: Earth One - Volume 3 is not a good comic-book story. But it's one that stands in direct opposition to the sorta-okay Superman movie that came out in 2013. It pushes back at that thing that happened in the movie. You know, the thing that pissed off a lot of Superman fans.

Yeah, I guess you're right. I watched it again and the guy was never actually aiming at anyone through the walls so as to have shots lined up as he came around corners.

Dude, you don't need to get all preachy on me. I'm not only aware of the abuses and corruption in the system, I regularly read about enough of it to make me angry on a regular basis. I was merely pointing out the absurdity of your original comment because this is a video game and not real life.

This guy's face actually isn't that bad.

CS:GO - ACE - 2x AWP ACE - VSKI MLG — Tiagovski

Because it's not also glamorizing "badass robbers", right?

There were a lot of things that went wrong at Apex, and as a result, we were still watching Smash 4 Finals past the time the whole event was supposed to have ended. Instead of being on their way home, SSBM fans were stuck waiting for top 8 with no updates on when it might start. On top of that, snow threatened to

....Nintendo isn't desperate for money in the slightest. They've got enough money in the bank to outlast both Sony and Microsoft FAR into the future.

Wait....Why is Clark, among all the Kryptonians we've seen, more powerful in potential than all of them to begin with? He is just a Kryptonian, not a Kryptonian super soldier...

True, but Kryptonians are physiologically the same as humans aside from their photosynthetic capabilities. They can, after all, breed with humans.

I'm done arguing with you, civil discussion or no. Do some research in non-nVidia-owned spaces around the web to see what the issues are. Seriously, you'll only find ass-covering instead of facts presented about the flaws otherwise.

Here is one such source of information:…

I'm done.