
I didn't know how to react. Members of Gamergate—an amorphous campaign that has been going on for months now—had themselves long been accused of harassing and doxxing outspoken critics including game developer Brianna Wu and actress Felicia Day. Though many Gamergate supporters had publicly denounced that sort of

Ahh, okay. Saw it this time.

Don't get me wrong, I like Majora's Mask just fine. I just don't hold it to be the best Zelda game ever made, is all.

Despite how I may have sounded, I actually would like to see more Legend of Zelda games that don't really have much to do with the main struggle that is central to the Zelda Formula. Heck, I'd like to

What was with the floating numbers shortly after Wii Fit Trainer's Final Smash?

I'm of a mind to believe that the ONLY reason the small group of people that hold Majora's Mask in such high esteem compared to the rest of the series is because it's the only Zelda game that's almost completely broken the Zelda Formula in terms of gameplay and story. Beyond that, it's Ocarina of Time in a different

For full disclosure, this Xbox was provided to me by Microsoft's China PR team. The Xbox is on loan to me and will be used within the China Daily building, where I work during the day. The system we have on hand comes with three free games and a Kinect. It is the $700 model.

There's nothing wrong with having trained senses. :)

Good 'ol Anita, continuing to plug her one-sided agenda of female supremacy and claiming it is all GamerGate's fault. Oh, yes, and those assholes who harassed her are TOTALLY representative of everyone who plays games or has something to say about GamerGate.

Totally not being opportunistic at all. Nope.


I've looked at the styles of Dave Rapoza and James Mabe side-by-side with these moodily-lit paintings, and Mabe's Bowser does look to be of an extremely similar style as Rapoza's TMNT paintings. Obviously you disagree *shrug*.

It very much looks like his style, though. Maybe he created it just for the book?

Wasn't an accusation. If you'd flip on the switch in your head for "Reading Comprehension", I asked a question and then made a statement. Neither of which were an accusation.

Actually, I posed a question. And no, I didn't look at the kickstarter page before I typed the comment.

So....did they ask the artist if they could use his work for this book, or did they just take it because "he doesn't own it, Nintendo does."? Pretty sure that Bowser is by the same dude who did those really amazing TMNT character portraits in the same style a few years ago.

More relevance on the topic, albeit directly from one person's point of view.

Of course YOU'RE tired of GamerGate. You're one of the targets of extreme criticism GamerGate has drummed up. Your site was the catalyst that set the whole thing off, though not the only source of irreputable "gaming journalism" by a longshot. If Kotaku was the only site that hosted corrupt reviews of a game, it

Gamergate, first coined by actor Adam Baldwin, is an amorphous campaign that is ostensibly about ethics in video game journalism and defending the "gamer" identity but has come under fire for its links to a wave of harassment, particularly of women, in gaming.

The problem with your reasoning is assuming that using the PS4 hardware to it's full potential is all about making the Xbone look bad. That kind of shit doesn't start till the fans make it start. It has absolutely nothing to do with a game's development process or final quality. Creating a parity between the two, on

That's actually in the 3DS version, too. Nothing super special about it being included in the WiiU version.

Mario's is harsh as hell. Answering as close to honest as the quiz would allow, I got Mario on my first time through.