
I absolutely love this one.

When asked to clarify whether that meant developers would be handling the "artistic design" and GameStop would simply be paying for the content, the spokesperson replied "It's too early to tell. We've just started having the conversations with our publishing partners."

But if a publisher has every single one of their developers refusing to cooperate, and willing to not budge on their stance, the publisher will have to choose between having nobody to develop for them or backing off.

D Piddy of dancing Deadpool fame took to Anime Expo 2014 and shelled the hell out of half of your favorite animated characters. Sure, the meme is played — but good cosplay is good cosplay, and I won't pass up a chance to see Snow White and the cast of Kill La Kill get pelted in the dome with a giant foam shell.

I tend to agree with the sentiment. While it says that publishers are enthusiastic about it, it doesn't say shit about developers. As a general rule, the developers have to do what their publishers say, but if all the developers ever say "fuck that noise", then the publishers won't have a choice but to back off the

And then there's his role in the new Godzilla. Man, all you Transformers haters out there: if you want to see something that really is offensively bad, go see that movie. Then we can talk. In one memorably atrocious scene, he hands a broken pocket-watch to an American military officer and tells him that it stopped

I'm the rare kind of person who unabashedly adores Michael Bay's much-maligned treatment of Transformers. Everybody else I know hates these movies, so much so that none of them have even bothered to see the new one.

Aside from the outfit change, what's with the heartless design changes? The box shaped heartless is painted different in the new version, so is the ghost-cage-thing the children hide in, and so are those slim bolt-eared heartless in the BBS segment. Also, Aqua is wielding an entirely different keyblade.

Actually, EA doesn't make anything. They sit in their offices, dictate game direction, enforce deadlines, and publish. I can't even remember if EA has ever actually developed games that aren't sports.

Okay, two things:

#1, I wasn't talking about that topic at all. I was specifically pointing out that redweevil1 was talking in circles and had a little flaw in his logic.

#2, you're not saying anything I don't believe myself. I do not, nor have I ever believed that games influence a person in that capacity. People who

The dev team is completely dedicated to getting the most out of each platform, so the notion that we would actively downgrade quality is contrary to everything we've set out to achieve. We test and optimize our games for each platform on which they're released, striving for the best possible quality. The PC version

I'm actually friends with a girl that has something closer to Double E size breasts and she's only 16. It's quite possible.

I'm sorry, but I've got to point out to you that your second sentence, quite literally, amounts to: "The violence in video games issue is never about the violence, its about the violence."

When people talk about how they believe people are affected by the violent video games, they are specifically talking about how the

It'd be hilarious to see them try to legally justify a C&D on digging through files someone already paid to have copies of.

More like "The designer's decision made absolutely no sense, not even from a design standpoint."

I will never understand why people will get so buttmad over a full-blown HD remake being for the PS4 rather than the much less powerful Vita. I could see people wanting BOTH, but it sounds like they're pissed that it's not going to be on Vita and nothing else.

Yes, and if you noticed, I went off on that tangent and started a discussion on that specific topic. I'm glad we both can identify the intent and direction of the words we chose to type.

Oh, my bad. I assumed you were talking about things said in Crisis Core not having anything to do with what was established in Final Fantasy VII.

Well, it's been a LONG time since I've played Crisis Core, so I'd have to give it a replay for a fresh look at it.

I'm pretty sure things are more related to what had previously been said than you think. You mustn't forget that, while the translation and localization team did the best they could, they weren't exactly given enough time to do a thorough, accurate job of it. After all, Crisis Core was written after VII was.

No, no, no. Again, that still doesn't make sense. Nintendo's decision to mirror-flip everything in Twilight Princess to go along with the hand orientation was just as silly and just as pointless. I'd give it a shot, not for the fact that I'm right-handed, but for the added challenge of the game being mirror-flipped,