
He looks like the Covetous fetus.

I love that your first assumption is to fall on the "You don't know what you're talking about because you have no experience" argument.

I quit playing anything on the 360 back when they absolutely destroyed the interface with this Windows 8 prequel shit. I didn't quit *because* of it, but it sure as hell wasn't

I'll just go on calling it the Cable Box. If you want to shorthand that, just call it the Cox.

On the flipside, people like you need to realize that just because you PAY for it, that doesn't mean it's good.

There's this gigantic flaw in the way people think: "If it costs more, it must be better!"

There is absolutely nothing superior about paying for your internet connection a second time. Nothing. It doesn't matter how many goddamned servers they have behind the system, it's not better. Hell, if anything, M$'s proclivity towards advertisements all over the damned place, IN A SERVICE THEY ALREADY CHARGE FOR,

They should have just named it Cable Box. It's a pertinent name for it's functionality AND it's appearance.

I actually think this other guy did it way better than Tony did.

Neat to see this dude made such a detailed 3d model....but that pic at the top is copied from this guy's art:

To every single one of you fucking pussies that can't take or leave a piece of artwork for what it is in itself:

"It's now very common to hear people say 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights; it's actually nothing more...It's simply a whine. It's no more than a whine. 'I find that

Oh, that's right. I totally forgot that not doing something myself makes me completely unable and not allowed to criticize someone else's shitty execution of their chosen form of media.

My bad.

It's nice to see you guys farming clicks with the usual line of non-journalism.

Perhaps, Jason, you should just accept something as someone's vision, however silly you think it may be. Do you really honestly think it doesn't fit into the overall design of the entire game? Do you really think the devs just declared out of nowhere, "Goddamn, that female looks entirely too normal. People won't like

Really? You're judging Notch's attitude based on the way he dealt with and reacted to a bunch of loudmouth British trolls? Really?

As if Minecraft's guaranteed continued success wont' set them all up for life even if they stopped development on everything right now.

So.....Alex May started some shit on twitter, people read it and started percieving things the wrong way, and everyone went into Full Retard Shitstorm Mode.

Absolutely professional.

I....actually already have one of those. I got it back in 2003. I rather like it, but I have long since begun using a normal mouse again. I believe I'll hang onto it in case I ever get the urge to use a trackball again.

Sadly, this is the truth of it. The perfect example of this is Crysis. Remember what THAT game looked like before they decided almost nobody would be capable of playing it at the then-current visual quality they had it at?

Maybe....but if nothing else, Squeenix tends to put quite a bit of work into the visuals of their games. Like I said, we'll see in September whether it's just another upscale or if it's an actual re-paint job like ZoE HD was.

You should add to the [*Note] that people shouldn't maximize it to fullscreen, otherwise it'll just make the whole thing muddy and fuzzy.