Kyle Andrew


Did I just watch Stephen A Smith telling someone to calm down?


Somewhere, Dusty Rhodes laughs.

If steroids were around when Ruth played, he 100% would have been the first person in line for them.

The metric system is better.

This is the only 8 series that matters anyways:

The thing is though, picturing recent events as the result of a white elite maintaining control over a diverse majority is a huge oversimplification of what happened last year. Let’s not forget that the traditional Republican elite couldn’t stand Trump and he had huge difficulties raising funds; the grassroots tide

I like big wings and I cannot lie

At this point, I don’t know why opposing teams don’t just plan throwback jersey games every time the Sox are in town. Based on past history, that’s a good way to avoid a Sale start.

I got the under...LBJ is always so aware of the bigger picture that getting a W and IT more points than Irving is the far bigger rebuttal. The better IT looks and the poorer KI looks the more the common thread is LBJ.


He’d still have the same number of hall of fame spots.

How many more times would you have made this comment if you had spent the first ten years of your career commenting on subpar websites?

Good for them. But I’m sure if Tampa police just turned a blind eye, they could find a dozen citizens who would happily do it for free.

Good. If we are all Americans first, then being an American isn’t worth shit. I’m an American by accident, just like I’m white, male and heterosexual by accident. I have no pride in any of it. And anybody who wants me to “come together” with white supremacists under the banner of what is fundamentally nationalist

Us in the rest of the world would really like it if Trump could stop taking his dick out constantly and making us face the consequences if shit goes down. When Russia decides to take a chunk out of someone, the US won’t feel it, but we will. When China decides it’s had enough, it won’t be the US that feels it, it’ll

Take it easy on that fucking smile while rounding the bases kid.

Dang, nice. I hope Craig’s PR team sends you a check for the effort!