Kyle Andrew

I must have watched this 40 times so far today. Savage AF

I’m still not sure where I stand, I mean I love it but I’m not in love with it. I am still iffy on LeBlanc, I find him to often be awkward, especially in Studio. The show is way better this season because... Chris Harris.

This story is heartbreaking. I was at a baseball tournament in Ancaster Ontario when a kid in the outfield was struck by lightning and killed during a regional (or provincial, I cannot recall now) tournament. Scary, crazy stuff.


Good observation but in Tennis fatigue plays a serious role in the decision making process, and Roger’s career is still thriving because of his ability to control his opponent’s fatigue (in part, may other reasons obviously)

I would love to see this re-made, but with Chris Harris undercover pretending to be very inexperienced on the first lap, and then giving it hell.

Meh, I didn’t mind it. Seems to me like they’re trying to stretch the range of the brand a bit. That’s what I took from it at least. Whether it will work or not is another question.

Chris Harris might as well be Riley Reid in this. Anyone know what happens after 2:38? That’s as far as I’ve made it so far.

I actually own a pair of these. Bright purple. I am so, so ashamed.

When did they last do that?

Porsche breaks seven minutes. Everyone nods. Everyone watches the video. Everyone agrees that its a wonderful achievement.

It’s not about whether they care about lap times, it’s everything surrounding this time. When the 918's time came out from Porsche, everyone was just like ‘well yeah, of course’. Which is very Porsche of them.

Everything about this is so Lamborghini. I love every single aspect of this saga, every single word of this story, and every single ounce of this car.

I think there are enough people out there happy that Honda took a chance here (we all should be as car nuts) and did something a bit wild, for them. I think volume numbers they aim for with vehicles like these are probably much more modest these days, due to your above (very good) point.

Fair point!


This thing is EXACTLY what it needs to be, and on the heels of the new NSX it is exactly what Honda needed. The best part is, I can only imagine how many upper management stiffs fought tooth and nail against this thing, lost, and now they will sell every god damned one of them they build, interject some much needed

Great post


This sounds amazing. All this in-game entertainment garbage is exactly why I rarely ever go to Raptors games anymore.