
What’s with the hatred for Bing? It’s no more or less sinister than Google or any other engine. And often, its results are better, especially for images.

I’m ugly and poor but have a big dick.

Sending out dick-picks via Snapchat is a risky move. All it takes is a little slip of the finger and you’ve accidentally sent it to an unintended target, and then that’s it, brother. I was with a group of friends last year when one of the girls got a snapchat from her brother and it was his dick. She started screaming

I think I speak for everyone when I say “meh”

No wonder he was so outspoken about LaRoche’s kid. If they stopped allowing babies he’d have to look for another job.

I’m gonna wait for it to go on Sale.

That equivocation sounds a lot like Ventura admitting that sometimes he has to do what his bosses tell him, even if it compromises his team’s chance to win.

Shut the fuck up and take the mound for your trash team, kid.

Not sure which is more annoying, that you assume everyone from the province of quebec is defined by dumbest citizens or that you can’t differentiate quebec city from montreal.

How do we know you’re really from DC? Aren’t all you guys all gangbangers as portrayed in The Wire? (Oh and OKC thanks you for your basketball

This is a pedantic take, at best. OF COURSE politics is relatable to just about everything in some way. Even though the tweets you mention have some connection to larger political issues, I would never call them “political” tweets—not even close. I take Schefter’s view as being against actively engaging in political

Big deal. Toronto spends millions and doesn't have an NHL team either.

So you’re being followed by a hundred cops who think you may have butchered two human beings and all you want to do is hear the final of the Rockets/Knicks game? Maybe A C told that to Riley, but I find it hard to believe that was OJ’s concern.

That is the most Jeff Van Gundy story in the world. Talking about something back in the day while stroking his own dick in the process.

See, I’ve never had a problem sending photos back and forth between android and ios. But then again, since I’m a big fan of dslrs and swapping lenses and such, I don’t really expect much from messaged photos aside from selfies or “look at the fun we are having while you are trapped at work. HAHA!” photos.

“Literally the only thing it does differently is being pre-installed on all iPhones and making all iPhones use it as the default.”

I’m guessing Black Lives Matter will take acception to their show title. I expect protests.

I didn’t see much wrong with George’s article. Seemed pretty cogent, something I can’t say for this article. I wonder if this is the result of hating people who have reached beyond your current grasp?

It’s never even gotten close to being popular.

Honestly, you should get points if you even manage to make it to the halfway point of this turd of an article. Yes, lets make a guy lose all 50 states so we can prove our party is still pure. Forget that when the primaries are done, 11 Million people will have voted for the guy. I feel like 20 years from now, Trump’s

“Republicans openly brag when they pass legislation that the public opposes by wide margins in polling.”