I’m sorry this really pisses me off. Dudes were obviously drunk when they got robbed. Just let them fucking go home.
I’m sorry this really pisses me off. Dudes were obviously drunk when they got robbed. Just let them fucking go home.
After Brady why would any player cooperate with these fools from the NFL office?
I agree. I don’t hate or love A-Rod but he seemed to be a natural.
Back where they belong is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. When the NFL was not working for LA they moved. If no ones goes to the games in 20 years they will move again. They just suck as much money out of a market as they possibly can. A team puts out a shitty product for 10 consecutive years and then they blame…
The NFL are some cold assholes. Pace played his entire career in St. Louis and won a Super Bowl there. So let’s just act like that did not happen.
Just curious. Why do you think that?
Did the Rio 2014 World Cup have this many problems? I honestly don’t remember hearing anything. I’m sure much more needs to be built for the Olympics. I know their economy has been in trouble but I don’t know when that started.
Why would the throw back jersey impede their chance of winning? Chris Sale is soft. Everyone has to do things they would rather not do. He gets paid like 10mil per year to pitch once a week. He needs to suck it up and pitch.
Did anyone else think this story was not the least bit funny?
Charlotte is definitely at fault for all of this. They made the initial law that was supposed to protect trans people but it had the opposite effect. The topic was probably never brought up by anyone but Charlotte needed to show how progressive they were. It made the news and then state reps got calls from old hags…
Noone is saying you can’t report those stories. You just don’t give your personal opinion.
Schefters Tweets aren’t giving his personal opinion. They are relevant news stories. There are plenty of journos I lose respect for when they show their political leanings. If you’re an editorial person that’s fine but if you report the news you should remain neutral.
The shows called Speak for Yourself.
The guys in the Fox Sports 1 video are much more entertaining and funny. Burke is just a smug ass.
It’s called Bluetooth. Every newer car has it. You can call without even touching your phone. Google on Android has the same thing. You can text using voice with Google Now.
I think the reason Imessage would expand to Android is because they want to start selling stuff to you. They keep talking about these chat Bots. So I would think Imessage would want more users for that reason.
Most little videos get shared via Snapchat anyway. Anything long, like you said, goes to Youtube and you share a link.
I don’t know if it’s just me but it seems like Facebook has the US messaging market cornered. It does not matter if you have and Iphone or Android with the Messenger app. Everyone has a Facebook account so it’s convenient. I’m an Android user and would like to have IMessage as an option.
I still think that ESPN is missing the boat with all of this cutural nonsense. Their audience is and always will be the 18-50 year old male that watches Football, Baseball, and Basketball. Build programming around that without a bunch of stupid ass gas bags. People don’t want to watch ESPN for their social causes.