
I think the 2 of them should spend a weekend camping in it.

I ain’t gonna lie, after I got my windows tinted on my BRZ I did something similar. The window rolls down/up about 1cm when you open/close the door and the shop was worried that would mess up the tint before it dried, but I had to take the car. So... I popped the trunk. If I could make that crawl in a BRZ there’s

I’ll be the other guy, you know who doesn’t belong on this site? You.

I’m enjoying this too. Hopefully it lowers the barrier and encourages more novices to pop the hood and learn the things.

I was wondering this too. I taught my younger sisters how to change oil and jack up a car and change tires and how to drive stick and how to do donuts and how to launch from a light and how to do handbrake turns... You now, the essentials.

It’s frustrating that they haven’t figured this out yet. Build quality issues have been a recurring meme for Teslas for how many years now? and they’ve shown absolutely no effort to improve. I guess if you lease your cars and replace them every 2 years it’s not that big a deal but for folks that keep their cars for 10

And thank you for spamming that comments with that spam ;)

After a hurricane gas typically isn’t an issue, power, water, and cellular are the main utilities that go out.

There was a guitar shop in the town I grew up in where everything was marked up 25-50% higher than all the other shops but when you got up to the register they would always “give you a great discount” bringing the price back down to what the other shops had. I guess it was supposed to make you feel special and come

I want solar panels, but mostly for reducing my draw on the electrical grid rather than for outages. The big problem with solar is our outages typically coincide with heavily overcast days. After a hurricane or a winter storm you don’t see sunlight for several days at a time. To deal with outages I’m looking into

That’s no lie, after Harvey I had two dehumidifiers pulling a gallon a day out of the air in my house but I’m going to be honest, I have the generator to keep me from getting hot and sweaty.

I don’t camp much but I live in Texas so power outages are always a consideration. Usually in summer during hurricane season but apparently we have to worry about winter now too.

This weekend, I ripped the sleeves off all my ratty band t-shirts, crushed a can of Bud Lite against my forehead, and thrashed my mullet to some classic Anthrax.

Not exactly a car, but the most terrifying passenger experience I’ve ever had was in a motorcycle sidecar. Specifically, in my case, a Vespa P200E sidecar, on I-45, in rush hour traffic, with my dad driving. The problem is if the driver isn’t used to a sidecar they completely forget it’s there and keep jamming it into

I know photos can be deceiving, but that’s more legroom than my BRZ has.

Canada is America’s attic, we all know it’s up there but nobody’s sure what’s in it.

Yeah, the stuff I learned in VZ is offensive in MX and viceversa.

#NSFW for Spanish speaking Jalops

FFS, flying was pure misery before 2020 and mask mandates. How much worse can it be?

How much you wanna bet the cops will be riding this around the impound lot for the next 30 days?