
The first time I raced against an SE-R it surprised the hell out of me. Definitely not just a regular Sentra.

We used to have a tunnel under the ship channel in Baytown so I suspect it can be done. I almost died in that tunnel one day.

Yeah, I’m realistic about them. My heart still stops on the rare occasion that I see on these days but I remember how many times they left me parked. Still, when they were running, you couldn’t have more fun on 4 wheels.

Nope, nope, nope.

Nah, you saw the occasionally but they were never popular. We had ours from ‘87 through ‘94 and people were constantly asking what it was or just assuming it was a Supra due to the wheels.

My great great grandfather worked in that ship yard and most probably helped build the Titanic, so I feel compelled to vote for this too.

The Mitsubishi Starion / Chrysler Conquest, especially the later wide-body models. There were plenty of Japanese 3door hatches back in the 80s but the Supra, Rx-7, and 300ZX got all the notoriety. Mitz turned that around a little bit in the 90s with the 3G/DSMs but the 80s Starions were completely overlooked, despite

I saw that, and I’m not going to lie I enjoyed it a little bit. He’s fed that pile of batshit for years and now he’s reaping a little of what he’s sown. Good for him.

Abbot pissed off the Trump crowd last year when he followed the science and permitted the some belated lockdowns. So now he’s rolling over and pandering to their every whim and it’s painful to watch. My guess is he’s attempting to position himself for a White House run in ‘24.

Carbon neutral ocean liners you say?

I should be more specific, I really want a Model 3 Performance and that’s the car I can’t afford. I have considered a used Model S as you suggest just because the Model 3s don’t seem to be coming down in value but I get stopped by the size. It’s really just too much car for my taste. The Model3 is even a bit bigger

I’m surprised there’s no ads on the Notifications page. Oh dear, I hope I didn’t just give them any ideas.

I still want one. I can’t afford one, but I want one.

Username checks out, and all that.

Why you gotta come inject reality into our fantasies and fun time? That’s it! I demand a new Corvette as recompense. ;)

This is exactly it. A few years ago you could just mouse over the notification and see which article it was associated with to know if you wanted to click on it or not, now you have to click the link and at least load the article (and its ads) for a second. And of course now you have to scroll and click 3 or 4

Avis should give the guy a new Corvette. Look at all the great PR that’s generating for that Chevy dealership. In fact, new Corvettes should be the default response to all “administrative errors” and other corporate fuckups from now on.

Before starting college I bought a $500 datsun with no A/C, no heater, no speedometer, and worst of all, no radio. So, to fill in the silence as I drove 3 hours home each weekend I would pick up hitchhikers just to have someone to talk to. Everyone thought I was crazy but I figured if any of them tried anything I

Down in Central Texas...

So, fun side note that has nothing to do with the story.