
Are you on

I will always recommend this .gif

I think I have an undiagnosed mental disorder. I've been putting off buying a reliable DD for like 6 months after selling my Evo and am now furiously clicking between bank accounts, scheming about how I could take this 2002 home to turn it into a rally car.

Enjoying what's left of the weather before it turns to shit for the next 5 months. You?

This is the greatest .gif of all time. GOD'S CHARIOTTTTTTT

I know it's sacrilege since I drive God's chariot now, but I miss my E36 M3 so bad sometimes. It's just a much better daily driver than my E30. I'm pretty sure my GF would stab me in the heart with a steak knife if I got another 'old BMW' though.

Is it just me or does the E30 M3 sound better from the outside than the inside? Objectively, mine sounds like a lawnmower unless I'm WAY up in the revs. I think I need a carbon airbox and a new exhaust or something - on top of everything else lol.

It may have been down there at some point. I usually stick around the Madison Park/ Cap. Hill areas and in Bellevue when I drive it to work. It's alpine white and in need of a lot of body work haha.

In Seattle (where I live), all the hipster girls are into "vintage/retro" stuff or whatever. My E30 M3 draws in the hipster girls (and guys) like moths to an open flame with box flares.

The amount of butt-hurt from Miata fanboys is hilarious. Chris is allowed to have his own opinions, even if they fall outside of the Jalop circle-jerk.

That was... so awesome. Leaving the office now to drive my E30 home. Hopefully in a cloud of tire smoke.

How's the road noise? I'm looking for a DD and already have a stripped-out E30 for fun, so I'd like something to take to work and on road trips that's fun to drive, but quiet enough that I can listen to music or talk to my passenger while on the highway. A FiST is high up on my list, but I'm worried it'll be too loud


Damn! Our EIC and head blogger got pulled over by the local Sheriff dept. during the F-TYPE launch (here in Wash.). They got away unscathed because the officer had no idea how to ticket the press car.

I worked from home yesterday so I could watch the Blue Angels practice. They were buzzing so close to my house it was violently rattling the windows. Biggest freedom boner of all time: achieved.

I bought mine for $8k just three years ago :D

I think the racing history (winningest touring car chassis of all time) and the rarity contribute to its charm. Some people just don't "get it" and that's fine.

I parked my shitty E30 M3 with 235,000 miles next to a guy with a pristine E30 M3 last year at a car show. He had just bought his for like $35-40k. I scoffed internally when he said that, but now I feel like a fool. His car had less than 30,000 miles on it. That thing is going to be worth a TON if these cars keep

I think this every night before I go to bed.

Are you a PNW man?