

The only tiny flaw is that the death count didn't go up to 5 in the ending score screen.

After seeing the UCAV battle in Skyline, I like these planes even more.

@Mark 2000: It's either use a big old manned aircraft to drop some bombs, or send a small robot to do it.

@tedknaz: I'm not sure what about this relates at all to Windows Phone.

@Platypus Man: I don't know about making them application specific, but Windows has had saved searches starting with Vista.

I've been using the TinEye extension for a while and it's worked pretty well. It'll be nice to have some extra options now.

@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: No, he's not wrong, he's just elaborating on your point. He's saying that yes it's improvement, but improvements that can only be considered such under specific circumstances. You mention abstract things like improving reproductive success. Certain traits that

In this case, I actually support some action from the authorities in China, but the sentence is over-kill. A simple warning would have been plenty...

And there's just no way these things could mutate away that kill switch. Right?

"Makes me wish there was a way to insert a console game disc into a standard CD player, just to hear the music."

@colineff: Well, she didn't exactly say China was the best, did she?

@MacAttack: As a rule of thumb, never trust any government.

@fury161: Ironic since in Red Dawn the Chinese were our allies. Not so for the remake though, you're right.

@MazdaMania: "Genetic imbalance"? There's a gender imbalance that I figure does affect the balance of certain genes, but going so many levels up in ambiguity sounds a little strange.

This normally happens on accident a few times a year, and for once, there aren't the usual communication problems. But because China's involved, somehow, it's, A: "Secret", and B: "Deliberate".

@Mistah_Kurtz: Sadly, he's all some people know about China.