
The media is our best hope at this point. A deep investigative story with clearly painted connections and on the record sources is the only way this will get fixed. Republicans in congress have shown they don’t care about their constituents, only their donors. Resolution and investigation can only come from outside

I love Russian history. The crazy is strong with that group of rulers.

The only place I’ve ever been that it is whiter than Utah is New Hampshire. At least Utah has a significant Hispanic population.

I think she’s an optimist at heart and ultimately believes in the goodness of people. Part of that is probably having seen so much change, culturally and politically, but you can see it in her books and characters.

We will survive. I think. And we will rebuild and it will be better. For example, I think the dismantling of Obamacare and replacement with whatever god awful plan the Republicans bring in will make it that much easier to pass universal healthcare (I’d love to see a NHS system like in Great Britain - no more insurance

Trump isn’t. Somebody in his administration is a fucking genius, though.

Boom! A positive point to the fact that I haven’t seen a dentist in an embarrassingly long time.

There are already a Republican and a Democrat who have declared their intention to run in Chaffetz’s district in 2018. He’s not nearly as safe as he thinks he is.

They honestly cannot comprehend that this many people disagree with them. They think they have a mandate because they control so many offices and seats right now. It baffles them that people aren’t cheering in the streets. They don’t care what the numbers actually indicate, only what their echo chamber tells them.

We need to accept that very few deep red districts will turn blue and there’s not much we can do about it. The strategy should be to get reasonable, moderate Republicans in instead of these tea party crazies. For example, McMullin could win a Utah seat in 2018 - not sure whether he should go after Hatch’s seat in the

The press is the only industry with explicit constitutional protection. I don’t understand how people (especially those who call themselves reporters) can think any rights are safe if they take away that one. Religion? Guns? Due process? Pfft. None of those can exist if the press can’t write about them.

There’s so much to unpack about Utah culture here. First, it’s official Mormon doctrine that a woman’s highest duty/achievement is having babies. We all know that. It’s so pervasive even non Mormons in the state are influenced by it. I know many non Mormons who get married at 21 or 22, just like their Mormon

OMG that’s who it is. I kept forgetting to look up his IMDB, but knew I recognized him! Thank you!

I think I need to go watch this. Screw work for the day...

I just wonder how long before she files for divorce. If he (God forbid) has a second term, will she be able to tough it out to the end? If not, or if he’s impeached, how long after her nightmare is over will she wait?

About once a week, I’ve been instituting a media blackout. I scan headlines in the morning and then turn off the internet - it means no paid work (I’m a freelancer), but I do have freshly shampooed carpets. I then check headlines again in the evening. My husband has instructions to text if something I need to know

The 2020 census isn’t going to be ready in time to redraw legislative boundaries before the election is it? I was thinking 2022 is the first time we’ll be able to effect actual change. A very depressing thought. I could be wrong - I had twins in 2010 and don’t remember much of that year and was out of the country in

Look at you - telling facts like they matter. It’s so cute! /s

My husband made all the same points you do when I discussed this with him last night. But I just can’t help thinking someone behind the scenes was smart enough to manipulate the electoral college, to use deflection and side shows to overshadow real, scary changes, to register trump for re-election immediately so he

I’ve been considering Lasik for this very reason. The cost though...that money might be better spent on canned food and seeds so I can feed my kids when shit hits the fan.